"K" is for kiss.
Epcot 2/28


** For all of you who were already briefed on the drop in visitors responsible, I assure you I am not afraid to handle it. I may have come off too timidly or worried, but after several replies from all of you out there who love my youngins (thanks) I thought I ought to just let you know that I am not taking it lightly, nor am I scared of taking the situation by the horns, if need be. Thanks for caring about him... he's been a trooper through it all and he's doing just swell now. I will update after the dr. checks the suture later in the week. **
~love to all~


"J" is for Jesus, written in the sky.

I have never seen a skywriter in action before. We found out later that the pilot is notorious for this sort of behavior-routinely proclaiming God's love in the skies over Disney parks. The O's were especially cool to watch.

Jesus loves Happytown™. It said so right in the skies above Orlando last week.
Well, OK, it didn't say "Jesus loves Happytown™." But it did say "Jesus
loves you," and we've got to think the message wasn't intended for everyone
but us, ergo, Jesus loves Happytown™. We knew it all along.
A miracle? Not quite. The inspirational skywriting was the handiwork of Jerry Stevens,
the Boca Raton-based pilot behind an endeavor called Holy Smoke. No, really.
"Jesus told me to do it," says Stevens. He doesn't mean it
figuratively. "I was coming out of church one day and he told me to do it.
He said, 'You have a talent for flying, you should do it for religious purposes.'"Stevens, 61, is retired
from the furniture business. He's been flying since he was 16, and specializes
in acrobatics. Nonetheless, he didn't know a thing about skywriting when he got
The Call, and had to learn from the guy who sold him a skywriting plane. "It's a
lot harder than you think," he says. Why? Because for the letters to make sense
from the ground they have to be written backwards, in a mirror image, at 10,000
feet, at 120 mph. "When I write 'Jesus loves you' it's 7 miles long," says
Stevens. Stevens says he has a hard time writing on paper. In the sky, he
turns the plane over to – you guessed it – Jesus. "He's flying the
plane. I'm just the hands and feet and eyes."

Prince Charming is forever crooning "Love is in the air . . . " to me

(usually because I'm being mean to him)

On our anniversary, it really was.

I wonder if anyone beseeching the heavens for an answer written in the clouds was taken aback?

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