Grandma's House

We visited Grandma and Grandpa in Covington about a month ago. Kevin has been busy making things's a peek:

My Old Kentucky Home

After sleeping off the Carolina loss in Nashville, we drove north an hour and a half or so, into Kentucky.
It was a rainy day, perfect for Elvis' "Kentucky Rain" which played us over the state line.
We returned to our old Kentucky home to show Fisher his 'Tucky, as he calls it.
He was born in Glasgow, Kentucky and holds this heritage dear.
Kentucky is a beautiful place with lots of open air and rolling hills... there is a feeling of quiet and security in the towns where we dwelt. Sometimes, when I imagine simplifying my life, the backdrop is Kentucky- where we never had to lock the doors and our landlord stopped by with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes on a regular basis. I still have a lot of cherished friends there.
We took Fisher to "his" hospital. All of the kids got to see the third floor, Labour & Delivery-- the setting for one of their favorite stories that Clay tells... "Kelly: The loudest girl on Floor 3"
(I had Fisher without the benefit of medicinal support as he arrived so quickly)
It was fun to see all the spots that make the area unique- the Tee Pee hotel, Yogi Bear's campground and several large dinosaurs amongst the kids favorite, of course.
Our little town has grown- there were all sorts of new businesses and restaurants...but for all the change, the place is every bit the same.
A good quality in my book.


This is the time of year I throw out the calendar and read time via the very scientific method of College Football Schedule.

Can we go see Aunt Rosie? Attend a wedding, a funeral or the birth of a baby? That all depends on the CFS.

I cannot tell you the exact date we went to Nashville- but I do know it was 2 football games back.

I love Nashville. It has been one of my favorites since we spent a few days there on our 5th wedding anniversary.
( That seems like so long ago!)

I am going to put the pictures up in a second here and quit yapping, but if you look at all of them, I'd like you to keep your eyes out for dear old John McCain... he was sitting right behind us, praying for Gamecock victory. (God's will was with Vanderbilt) I am not sure how he pulled off attending the game and delivering his acceptance speech on the same night, but apparently he's one of the devoted.

It amuses me- maybe because I am just so easily amused after sitting in the stands for four quarters- to think about football as some folks' church going experience. At any given football game, there's a lot of prayer-- some of it in the loud Pentecostal fashion, weeping and gnashing of teeth (yes, that is a reference to Hell, but I've seen it happen in plenty of churches too!) There are cries of Hallelujah and the ability to give at least 10% of your income to the ushers in hopes of receiving a bucket of popcorn, "pressed down and running over" in return.

At Carolina games, my favorite form of worship is the Alma Mater-- sung with all the reverence of the Lord's Prayer....maybe more so, as I have never held an imaginary light up during the prayer's recitation. When I say favorite here, I mean "makes me want to gag".

There are some folks in the crowd aiming to get that perfect attendance button so coveted in long ago Sunday School... no mileage too far, no rain storm too wet, using an RV porta potty be darned-- they will be there come what may.

We are not those people, but sometimes I fear becoming them.

Enjoy the pictures of our Carolina/Vandy game road trip to Nashville. Excuse some of us for not looking thrilled...high five the ME for capturing the agony of defeat on film, as it happened though.

((author's note: I am not anti Carolina, neither am I a true fan... my team is always the concession staff .))

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