HOME EC: Blueberry Biscuits

HOME EC: Blueberry Biscuits

We put our measuring skills and instruction following ability to the test one morning not too long ago. The result was (thankfully) edible!

Step 1: Find Early Birds

Step 2: "Stir it up, lil' darlin'(s)...."

Step 3: Place resulting concoction on cookie sheets & bake

Step 4: Pour the milk, breakfast is ready!
( I mean, "Class Dismissed!")

ART PROJECT: Fusion Beads

ART PROJECT: Fusion Beads
Each child was given a bead board and got to spend a little time on their "design". I then took a low heat iron and melted the beads to cries of "Wow!" and "Cool!" and "Awesome!" After their first design, they took a few beads and slid them onto toothpicks to make "worms".

Chandler's design:
Logan's design:
Fisher's design (w/a little help from Mom):
various worms:

This was a fun, new activity; one they look forward to repeating many times again.


I am in some sort of crazy cycle rigt now... never getting caught up before a new adventure begins... and that's OK... but until I return to some form of normalacy in life and in blogging, we'll always have pictures. (worth 1000 words a pop, right?!)

This one is amongst my recent favorites:

While on a trip to see Mom and Dad, DeAnna and I were able to catch up with each other for a day at the zoo...

The girls check out a monkey.

The monkey investigates the onlookers.

" Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most curious one of all? "

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