Three, Little Bird!

It has been three years since Riley Wren flew into our life. 

Happy Birthday RyeBird!

We Love You!

From Terrific Two to Tremendous Three... Oh, what fun this will be!

Little Boy Blue 11

  Happy Eleventh Birthday, Fisher Kai!
You are a wonderful part of our family. It is a joy to watch you grow and explore your world. 
We love you! 

Feeding Birds

A new feature on blogger syncs photos from my phone- but not just as photos, it runs all closely shot snapshots together to form animated GIF files.

We recently lined some stale bread along our banister, just like Grammy taught us to... within moments, the power lines across the lawn were lined with crows and within a few more short moments, the birds began to risk a fly in. The whole thing was fascinating to watch from just behind the sliding glass door. 
It was also slightly terrifying... look at ALL those birds!

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