Baby Islam

My little sister is 'in retail' and was the first one to bring the Little Mommy Cuddle & Coo babies to my attention. Apparently some parents weren't too keen on having their children reminded by the doll once every few seconds that "Islam is the Light" and began to return them. She mentioned it to me during a visit and I promptly forgot about it for a spell... the way she had described the dolls, I assumed they were an "off brand" doll and figured they'd be recalled in a short amount of time.

Fast forward a month or so, I'm visiting Greenville again and need a gift for Christmas. Go figure, I'm looking for a baby doll and not just that, I'm in the market for a black baby doll. I find none at "The Evil Empire" (a.k.a.WalMart)  but am told by lil' sis that there is diversity to be found where she works... so I go there. I am on the doll aisle, Baby Islam long forgotten... I am bending to a low shelf when I hear a chorus of " gaaa gaa gurgle Islam is the Light".  I look to see that the babies talking to me are a.) Fisher Price... not at all whom I expected to be responsible for this future recall and b.)the only 3 black babies on the shelf.
I gave up on my gift idea, because yeah, diversity is good but I didn't want to give a gift that may offend, convert my friends' children to Islam or have to be returned :)

Throughout the Christmas Shopping season, I could be found on baby doll aisles in every store, testing these dolls if they were in stock- just for kicks and usually random conversation with curious onlookers. For a while, I thought perhaps only the Upstate got a botched batch. But on Christmas Eve, I found an entire shelf of the little prophetesses at a WalMart here in the Lowcountry. This time, they were fair toned, but ironically, all brown eyed. The blue eyed babies did not say the phrase. Honest.

So, this time, I bought it. Logan was a little disappointed that she hadn't seen a present by accident when I told her " That's not a gift, that baby doll is mine" and Clay was a little more than surprised when, unaware of my purchase, the doll began to talk to him from the bag during a middle of the night fridge rummage.

After I was satisfied that everyone had heard the phrase too, and after I could no longer not hear the phrase, and long after I had become concerned that I found myself singing this phrase like the lines of an unforgettable song, my family made me return the doll. Which I did, but not before taking some footage. (yeah, I know the dolls may become one of those hot eBay items, but they said they were getting, and I quote "creeped out")
Exhibit A
The phrase is repeated every third activation... I took three separate shots to show it isn't a fluke, a low battery or a hoax...I could only get two to cooperate with Quicktime.
Exhibit B
I suspect there will be more buzz about this as the Christmas Gift Return Season ensues... now that all the dolls have been unwrapped and no doubt begun to share their "good news" with Little Mommies everywhere, I suspect Fisher Price will eventually do more than deny the whole thing ( their current status)
I do have to wonder if there would be any fear and/or outrage if the dolls were covertly saying "Jesus is the Light"  ( my guess is yeah, there would be. Without proper warning, baby dolls should say little more than MaMa, DaDa, GaGa, GooGoo)

Virtual Christmas Letter

Christmas 2008, originally uploaded by kellybrewer.
In the event that you did not recieve our Christmas card, or we don't have the correct address for you, this is our Christmas letter, virtually.

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2008, originally uploaded by kellybrewer.
Not to sound like a broken record or anything but EVENTUALLY, I will blog something other than pictures. Tonight is not that time.

From our family to yours, a very Merry Christmas and sincerest wishes for a New Year full of realistic resolutions and days lived to their fullest.

Trolley Ride

Before we went ice skating @ Savannah's SkatFest, the kids and I took a trolley around Savannah then picnicked with our lunch on River Street. It was a beautiful (and not too cold ) day for the outing. We learned some new things and just had fun together :

Ice Skating

If God had intended us to move around on blades, He'd have given us ice skates instead of toes...

Still, some crazy folks insist on renting a pair and risking their necks on the ice. Last night, we were numbered amongst them at Savannah's SkateFest. 

The kids thought they were going to go out on the ice and instantly be doing figure eights, hockey slides, etc... they were humbled, needless to say.

I have never been a big skater- ice or wheels. I prefer a little more control than those methods of travel which involve free gliding...nor have I ever really liked the idea of going endlessly in circles...WITH THE CROWD...  Still, it was fun to watch the kids give ice skating a go. They had a blast and were saddened when the session came to an end. They were asking to go again first thing this morning.... uh, oh...looks like we've started something.

Putting Up the Christmas Tree

We finally put our tree up the other night. All of our old Christmas stuff was lost or destroyed in the move (not to mention, eaten in storage by mice BEFORE the move) so we had to pick out new decorations and such... went with a gold, maroon, brown, champagne, winter white, sort of thing... my favorite are the peacock feathers... I am looking even now for a place to use those after Christmas :)

Also, you'll notice a closeup of each of the kids' individual ornaments. They pick a new one each year... this year we took them to Hallmark. Chan's is the ESPN Santa & Elves, Logan's is the two mini Ariels and Fisher's is the Airplane. We chose the Polar Express one as a family ornament as we rode that ride at Sea World together just last month. 

Lawn Lights Photos

In LAWN LIGHTS, I described a night of insomnia, insanity and Christmas lights... here are some pics:

Lawn Lights

I should first say that I despise yard ornamentation at Christmastime--and anytime really. It is such a frivolous use of time and money. I really can't appreciate all the work that goes into putting up then taking down elaborate displays for a mere month before having to figure out how to store the expensive yet tacky lighted sculptures for the better part of a year. I also can't appreciate leaving lights up year round, so bottom line is I'm scrooge-ish about decorating at Christmas.

(yes, even the tree seems a little much fuss to my common sense detector, but that's another post)

So, call it a Christmas miracle if you will, but we have lights on the lawn this year AND I put them out there. Yeah.

I don't despise lawn lights any less, I just  love my children to the moon and back and they not only have Christmas Cheer, they have Holiday Fever.

Clay was out of town one night this week and when he's gone, there is no one to tell me to go to bed, so I usually don't. This particular sleepless night- and early morning- I chose to "surprise" the kids by putting up Christmas lights on the lawn. They had seen me buy the lights, so the surprise was relative.

I will ever be the only one to fully appreciate the circus act that preceded me leading them outside to show off our humble light display... but I can try to explain.

Start by dropping the outside temp to somewhere around 45 degrees...
Now, imagine a box of net lights, meant to spread across our very sparse bushes being opened. The net isn't large enough to span the bushes and will look quite silly on just one of the 5 in front of our house...
Spend 30 minutes walking around the very cold house around 1 AM trying to figure out Plan B display
Decide to "net" the top of the palm tree and build around that...
Realize we have no  ladder. 
Drag one of our swiveling bar stools outside and place under palm tree.
Stand on stool with net lights in hand...
Contmeplate for 15, oh 20 minutes
Realize how silly that idea was and also that many neighbors are probably growing concerned at this point.
Climb Down
Plug lights into outside outlet to test length for yet another idea
Realize socket doesn't work anyway
Hunt for other outdoor sockets in both front and back yards
Worry often about raccoon, armadillo and possum bites while sifting through dark bushes
Realize we have no useable outlets
Go to fuse box, reset outdoor socket and/ or entire house due to lack of fuse box know how
Test outlet, unsuccessfully
Find Extension Cord
Run through front window, only after checking that window will still shut and latch safely despite cord
Check to see that it is about 3 AM
Find neglected tree from earlier landscape project, plant it where net lights display desired
Realize you have no shovel
Find kids' plastic spade in backyard
Plant root exposed tree
Cover with net lights
Assemble light up nativity
Fight with tipsy tree under too heavy net lights
Weigh tree roots down with potted plant.
Plug in, Re- arrange so innies and outies line up for next outlet
Assemble electric luminary bags
Screw in each luminary bag lightbulb
Run in front of nativity display
Re-Run for aesthetic balance
See now that it is nearly 5 am
Contemplate just hanging wreath in the morning
Decide Crazy has already set up camp, may as well finish the visit
Locate Hot Glue gun, plug in and wait for heat
Glue fake fruit to wreath
Tie ribbons
re-Tie ribbons
Hot Glue Ribbons to wreath
Hot glue fingers- ouch!
Go  outside to size up wreath hanging, notice impending daylight
Run extension cord through window
Plug in wreath
Climb step ladder (tall enough for this job,not palm tree earlier)
Adhere special No Slip hook and pray
Hang Wreath, hold breath
thank God for answered prayer concerning hanging wreath
Find clear duct tape to hide white cord along white siding
Make Hot Cocoa- on the stove... because it takes longer than using the microwave and at this point, why not?
Wake Children at 6 AM
Drag to Lawn
Expect bigger response
Send kids back to bed
Climb into bed at 6:30 AM
Hallucinate a lot
wake up at 8 AM
Feel guilty for sleeping while kids awake
Pour full cups of cold cocoa in sink
Listen closely, hear the landscapers outside
Threaten their very lives under your breath
Extend gratitude heavenward for new pinestraw
Look closely, see they've re-wired your lights... and better
Think of husband's landscape crew as kindly little mexican elves 
Repeat set up steps as necessary each and every time the rain falls or wind blows
                                                     ( which thus far has been often)

ALL that for THIS little display folks...
 ...the next time Clay is out of town, please call me around 10 PM and kindly tell me it is time for bed :)

Ben Beaned Me

 For those of you who've already seen all this on FaceBook, I am merely recording my Beanishness for those few family members who get all their latest Kelly & Family news from the blog. 
Ben helped me give my photos a little face lift... I'm the Bean on the Right...the Right Bean you could say.
A little brother who beans you, a little sister who elfs...aren't siblings the best?!
(They really are.)

Jamela Elfed Me

One of these days, I'll have time for Blogger once more... until then, random things that people send me or the occasional picture will have to (continue to) suffice:
Jamela elfed a group of us, including our Uncle Bean:

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