Smashing Fun

One of our lessons this past week was about Gideon. Our assignment was to imagine the loud clatter of breaking pots to be heard in the siege of the Midianites. Our curriculum thought this best achieved by actually breaking pots with a hammer. The kids LOVED this project- a little too much perhaps, as Fisher has laid claim to the protective goggles and wants to wear them all the time. He has also procured a small decorative baseball bat to carry around in case he needs to "break" things (because I took the hammer and hid it):

A Southern Snow Day

Really, YA'LL- there is nothing more pathetic than a bunch of Southerners grappling about in a puddle of muddy slush, pretending it's the real stuff. And to think, we paid to get in!

Everyday Danger

Apparently, danger lurks around every corner:
Setting: Gas station, COLD Sunday morning en route to church, pumping my own gas for lack of a nearby Rhett Butler

Scene: At the $6.22 mark (or so) , a man pulls up beside me to pump gas. He appears to be en route to church as least that's where I assume he's wearing the electric blue suit & snazzy jazzy tie.

SnazzyJ: " 'morning."
Me: "Good Morning"
end conversation- nothing more is all.

Somewhere around the $15 mark, Logan- who has been trying unsuccessfully to communicate with me through tinted glass, finally manages to scale the center console and open the front door.
(child safety locks can be such a pain to...well, children)

By her pink & slightly puffy appearance, she has been crying or threatening to, at the very least.

Logan: "Mom! Mooom! (as if she is calling to me from a distant mountain top)
Me: "Yes, Lo, what is it?"
Logan: "I get scared when you talk to men!"
Snazzy J: muffled chuckle
I wrapped up my petrol pumping with a "kids say the darndest things" look towards my electric blue "suitor" , hoped he'd grant me the benefit of the doubt regarding my apparent habits and a tossed a not so chatty "have a nice one" his way before listening to and sorting through Lo's *fears- rational and otherwise-the rest of the ride to church .

* We have been having related issues of late. Logan is fearful when I get out of her sight. She has said she is worried something may happen to me or someone may try to hurt me...I do not make light of her fears and we have an open line of communication about it, but she saw nothing of comic value in the above moment. Neither did her father, who heard a twisted version from her brothers that really only included the part about me talking to men...!

How Far is Heaven?

Setting: Chaotic ride home- all 3 kids talking, DVD player blaring- Clay and I "discussing" something-headache
FISHER: (incessantly) Mama! Mama! Momma!

ME: (after quite some time) WHAT FISHER, WHAT?!

FISHER: Will you get us space helmets?

ME: (with a "did you really just interrupt me for THAT?!" tone) No, Fisher. No space helmets.

FISHER: (a little sad, a little dejected) But!...How are we going to breathe up there when God comes back?

ME: (after weighing the energy it would take to explain) Oh, well, in that case, yes we can get space helmets.

~I didn't leave him ignorant for long... just so ya know. ~

25 Things

Who ISN'T answering this little survey, that's what I'd like to know. Seems like everyone has tagged and been tagged...I've been tagged from every I'm going to give it a go, even though I just spat out 10 random things about myself last week... I hope at least one of you are entertained/enlightened by these answers:
  1. I hate talking about myself and usually end up rambling when compelled to do so- You've been warned.

  2. I HATE being cold/cold weather. I suspect I have thermostat issues or lizard's blood...Snow is pretty as long as it's not happening to me.

  3. I'm a year round flip flop wearer. Putting socks on for "church shoes" this morning was almost reason enough to stay home.

  4. I want to be buried at sea, in Key Largo @ The Christ Statue... any scuba divers out there?

  5. One of my most treasured "skills" is crocheting, because my Granny taught me how

  6. I collect little odds and ends, charms and what not. One of my recent favorites is a spoon from England with a lion on its handle, another is a prayer pouch to an obscure saint... both came from the Salvation Army.

  7. I like to hide in my closet to read and pray- they still find me eventually though.

  8. Homelessness breaks my heart...amongst other things.

  9. I have never lived in the same place for more than about 2 year spans...sometimes it will just be a new house in the same town, other times it is a whole new state.

  10. If I've lived in the same place for more than 6 months, I begin to rearrange EVERYTHING in the house. (see #9)

  11. I'd prefer to live in South Florida or the Keys for the most part, but I can't stand the thought of being so much farther away from friends and family than I already am

  12. I used to want to be a clown when I grew up. Also, an artist... I didn't think either of those could be "really real" though... they seemed too good to be true.

  13. I love to sing when no one is listening.

  14. I can't dance--at all.

  15. I love EVERYBODY...even people I don't like very much... I can USUALLY be counted on to do the right thing...even by people I don't like very much... sometimes I wish this weren't true of me and just want to be mean, mean, mean.

  16. I love the early morning &watching the sun rise. I also love sleeping--the latter trumps the former most days.

  17. In mind, I totter between Universal Grace ideologies and Legalism like a fresh born colt, but in my heart, I don't adhere to either. In practice..I have no idea what I'm doing ...
  18. I don't like choosing a favorite color, animal, movie or song-- things like that feel too confining.

  19. I was a very mean little girl to other little kids... but I didn't know that then.

  20. I love to look at the sky... I love the stars and the changing light found up there throughout the day.

  21. I love the ocean and all bodies of water- even oil streaked puddles in the parking lot...I especially love clear blue seas though

  22. I want to travel... everywhere!

  23. I use the white crayon

  24. I cannot throw a jar out... I always wash them and stow away for some future project. I have more future projects than "in progress" projects at the moment (and typically)
  25. I make lots of creative messes in the name of half finished a result, I have unused craft supplies from almost every aisle in Michael's.
  26. See, I told you I didn't know when to stop! I like LEMON
  27. I used to try and sneak spoons of sugar to eat- I pour sugar packets in my mouth sometimes still...especially Sugar In The Raw.
  28. I drink UnSweet Tea.
  29. I love to hear my parents sing together.
  30. I think these are the silliest things ever... really... I could go random all day here and never stop if I thought you had the time and interest in everything I think or do... oh, wait... I already do that with Facebook Status!

Kelly Googled

A Google Activity as shared by my SIL on FBook. Please note that nearly all inspirations for my name aren't helped by the inspirations of both Kelly Clarkson and Kelly Osbourne. Thanks a lot, Kelly gals.

Kelly needs...


Kelly looks like...


Kelly likes...


Kelly says...


Kelly wants...


Kelly does...


Kelly hates...


Kelly can...


Kelly goes...


Kelly is...

SLOWLY BECOMING ONE OF MY FAVORITES...(long drawn out sentence)

Kelly loves...


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