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Everyday Danger

Apparently, danger lurks around every corner:
Setting: Gas station, COLD Sunday morning en route to church, pumping my own gas for lack of a nearby Rhett Butler

Scene: At the $6.22 mark (or so) , a man pulls up beside me to pump gas. He appears to be en route to church as least that's where I assume he's wearing the electric blue suit & snazzy jazzy tie.

SnazzyJ: " 'morning."
Me: "Good Morning"
end conversation- nothing more is all.

Somewhere around the $15 mark, Logan- who has been trying unsuccessfully to communicate with me through tinted glass, finally manages to scale the center console and open the front door.
(child safety locks can be such a pain to...well, children)

By her pink & slightly puffy appearance, she has been crying or threatening to, at the very least.

Logan: "Mom! Mooom! (as if she is calling to me from a distant mountain top)
Me: "Yes, Lo, what is it?"
Logan: "I get scared when you talk to men!"
Snazzy J: muffled chuckle
I wrapped up my petrol pumping with a "kids say the darndest things" look towards my electric blue "suitor" , hoped he'd grant me the benefit of the doubt regarding my apparent habits and a tossed a not so chatty "have a nice one" his way before listening to and sorting through Lo's *fears- rational and otherwise-the rest of the ride to church .

* We have been having related issues of late. Logan is fearful when I get out of her sight. She has said she is worried something may happen to me or someone may try to hurt me...I do not make light of her fears and we have an open line of communication about it, but she saw nothing of comic value in the above moment. Neither did her father, who heard a twisted version from her brothers that really only included the part about me talking to men...!