Those who have been taken captive are sometimes known to adopt the beliefs of their opressors; often declaring loyalty to them against all logic.
And so, having been held captive in my own home for many years, subjected daily to hours of propoganda, you'll not be surprised to know that no longer is The Code simply repetitive programming to me. I have adopted it as a guide for future entries and see it as a foundation, given to me on which to build. Until I graduate to further plateaus of knowledge and inspiration, I will draw from **TLOT DAY method, as taught by The Big Guy himself.
(this method has been called upon by such great works of literature as The Book of Psalms in the Holy Bible, so let's not mock Kelly, shall we?)
**The Letter Of The Day
And so, having been held captive in my own home for many years, subjected daily to hours of propoganda, you'll not be surprised to know that no longer is The Code simply repetitive programming to me. I have adopted it as a guide for future entries and see it as a foundation, given to me on which to build. Until I graduate to further plateaus of knowledge and inspiration, I will draw from **TLOT DAY method, as taught by The Big Guy himself.
(this method has been called upon by such great works of literature as The Book of Psalms in the Holy Bible, so let's not mock Kelly, shall we?)
**The Letter Of The Day