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Showing posts with the label AMTC

The Call Back

When I had originally talked to the AMTC judge during Logan's audition , she had made a few comments that seemed to tip her hand that she would be calling back, possibly even the same evening. When I went to bed without a phone call, I thought perhaps I had misread her intentions. We started to move into the new week without expecting a call back and with a nod toward what fun we had had going to the audition. But while we were in church yesterday, she left a message on my voice mail and I caught up with her after a few rounds of phone tag. These were her conclusions: Logan is a cute girl with a cute voice. She doesn't have the pitch of the caliber they need but perhaps it is something she can pursue in the coming years. Because she didn't really meet their standards, she couldn't get a call back for singing. However, she is receiving a call back for acting and modeling. Her judge thought she had a natural timing and lean towards acting. She had asked for the modeling...

Logan's PreAudition Practice

As I mentioned in the previous post , Logan found out less than 24 hours prior, that AMTC was in town for auditions. With very little time to deliberate, she picked a song and a monologue to sample for her "judge" She didn't truly settle on which pieces she would use until about one hour before these practice videos were taken. I took them to give her feedback as she practiced... and also, to have my sweet girl singing and acting and being brave on film :oP We have about a dozen or more takes of both, but I chose only two of either discipline to share. In all, she probably had appx. an hour and a half of practice time before the real audition. I may be biased, but I think she did a stellar job in that short amount of time. It does make me think that she would be well served by in-depth coaching from people who know singing and acting (as opposed to my off-key-no-acting-still-in-my-own-shell-self) Song ~"I Wish We'd All Been Ready"~ (she'd never heard th...

The Audition

Logan Aleece Brewer This is Logan.  She has always wanted to be Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Literally. She has asked to dye her hair bright red.  She has threatened to change her name legally once she is of age.  And at least one costume in the past consisted of a mermaid's tail.  So, it should come as no surprise that Logan also wants to "sing and dance" I believe wanting to act is just another way to end up as Ariel on stage someday :)  And the singing... well, we all remember that singing mermaid... and the big ideas she planted in little girls' heads:  "Wish I could be.... part of that world..."  Logan  has "dreamed" of acting or singing or just somehow ending up "on the Disney Channel", but based on her shy nature, we have never really pursued it.  Not to mention, we didn't feel like a career in that industry is always an easy companion with maintaining certain standards. But recently, one of Logan's dear cousins (and frie...