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Showing posts with the label florida

Meeting Snow White

On our recent anniversary/family birthday, we were able to catch up with Snow White. She was a lot of fun.  

Meeting Aurora

After Riley's first visit to Disney , the weather forecast a dreary next few days, so we headed home until the weather was to improve. Using the bleak days to clear certain business matters from our plate, we were free to return when the weather was nice... and just in time to celebrate our family's seventeenth birthday (anniversary). We chose Epcot park this time- my personal favorite. Aurora was scheduled to make one appearance so we made a bee line for her pavilion once we had checked in.  We were not disappointed.

Magic Kingdom Monday

It was a long day, it was a fun day. It was a day filled with walking, it was a day filled with dancing. Stay tuned... [we're recharging our batteries... especially those of us who've known more than two decades worth of days]

Florida/Georgia Line [sunset]

Backroads Sunset


David Levy Yulee   was the the first Jewish member of the United States Senate.  He was a sharp business man, serving as president of several companies. While living in Fernandina with his family ,  David Yulee founded the  Florida Railroad Company and became known as the Father of Florida Railroads.  Yulee served as a member of the Confederate Congress where his passionate speeches in support of Confederate causes  gained him another nickname:   "Florida Fire Eater"   .   These passions also gained him a 9 month imprisonment @  Fort Pulaski .  He was granted pardon and has since been named a "Great Floridian" 

Princess Amelia

Amelia Island was named for Her Royal Highness Princess Amelia Sophia Elanor of Great Britain, from the House of Hanover, descendant of King George II. She loved to hunt and ride and in later life was a park ranger. She is known for commissioning a bath house, giving generously to charities and having a penchant for the truth. Lady Promfret described the Princess Amelia as: " of the oddest princesses that ever was known; she has ears shut to flattery and her heart open to honesty." To those who knew her well, she was known affectionately as   Emily . 

Der Dutchman

We were recently in Sarasota for a Hurricane Tour event. Sadly there are very few photos. It was a busy weekend with unpredictable weather. Clay caddied for Chandler (too busy choosing and drying off clubs to snap pics) while I bustled the remaining children around the surrounding area (too busy climbing in and out of the car with 3 kids to snap pics)  As we explored, we discovered something pretty cool: Sarasota has an Amish population. A fact that we hadn't learned when we were in the area for our 14th Anniversary .  True to Florida style, they're their own kind of Amish. They use electricity and often opt for a bike or scooter instead of horse and buggy. Or, so we read. We also spotted a size-able  Mennonite population nearby.   THEREFORE There are three of four Dutch inspired restaurants in the Sarasota area.  We chose Der Dutchman because it was still open when Saturday's round was over.  We intend to try the other places suggested by TripAdvisor on fu...

St Augustine Day

In July, we met up with my good childhood friend Jamie,  in St. Augustine.  Jamie and I have been friends since we were in the 6th grade. Over the years we've drifted in and out of contact as life drifted us in various directions. Over the past year, we have been able to reconnect and introduce our children to one another. In a neat twist of events, her Liam and my Rye have become friends, too.  So I guess you could say it was a double play date :) We rode the Ripley's Red Trains and the carousel in  Davenport Park   (Say, do you know the difference between a carousel and a merry-go-round? We do.) And we rode out the rain in the nearby Dunkin Donuts. It was a really great day.  If you ever have an occasion to tour St. Augustine, take it. Learn stuff. It is a fascinating old city. I plan to go again sometime and pay closer attention to the details. And to take pictures. Again. Because the entire roll of our day together was lost to a corrupt SD card. (...

Flashback Thursday

Flashback Thursday today- because I feel like breaking the unspoken alliteration rule:  Before we knew we'd someday call this place home... Before there was Riley... Back when Pompeo's was still opened... I miss you Spaghetti Carbonara.

Sunshine and Bananas

The BigKids were forced to exit the pool when the rain grew heavy and annoying and cold. We took our little sunshine with us. On the way back to The Dry, we spotted bananas growing over the community fountain. I have since charged Clay to fetch them for me.  We recently watched The Princess Bride again and my head is still full of Buttercup and Farm Boy I suppose- Clay said "I'll get right on it" to which I reminded him he is supposed to say "As you wish." I am happy to report he quickly amended his reply. However, I am still waiting on the bananas.