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Showing posts with the label Marriage


We turned 17 riding down the highway, looking for a room. Things may have been a teensy little bit testy just that moment...we had been riding for several hours with zero luck finding 'room @ the inn' ...any inn... When midnight o'one found us on the morning of the 28th, it had already become clear that we were looking at another decent stint back in the direction we had already come from when all we really wanted to do was lie down and grab a few winks... So, we may have been slightly more interested in exactly who was to blame for our bed-less condition than is provided for in that infamous 13th Chapter of Love.  We had the whole crew with us - most every year we now celebrate our anniversary as a 'family birthday' because it sorta is, ya know? We used to go away for the weekend, just the two of us, but we often missed the kids and wanted them to experience whatever new place or experience we had chosen. So, they were along for the ride...this really long ride. S...