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Showing posts with the label Reptar


Reptar the Birthday Fish did what fish do best;  he died. REPTAR, The Dearly Departed (no worries, he's still alive in well in this candid shot from the family album) RIP~TAR,  Reptar's Stand In Think anyone will notice? Reptar went to Fishy Heaven earlier in the week and Chandler handled it well as these things can be handled, anyway.  So, I'm not trying to fool him, but, there were a few double takes when he woke up to find this paper fish memorial sitting on the kitchen counter.  In his morning fogginess, he had to get right up to the bowl to be sure it wasn't a real fish.   I made this little "memorial " night light out of Reptar's abandoned bowl. ("Who said shrine?!" A shrine would have candles... it's not a shrine!) I made it because no other fish will be moving into Reptar's quarters...  we have all agreed, No More Pets! Rest In Peace, Reptar. You were a wonderful reminder of why we swore off fishy pets the last time... ....