Showing posts with label golf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label golf. Show all posts

Der Dutchman


We were recently in Sarasota for a Hurricane Tour event. Sadly there are very few photos. It was a busy weekend with unpredictable weather. Clay caddied for Chandler (too busy choosing and drying off clubs to snap pics) while I bustled the remaining children around the surrounding area (too busy climbing in and out of the car with 3 kids to snap pics) 

As we explored, we discovered something pretty cool: Sarasota has an Amish population. A fact that we hadn't learned when we were in the area for our 14th Anniversary

True to Florida style, they're their own kind of Amish. They use electricity and often opt for a bike or scooter instead of horse and buggy. Or, so we read.

We also spotted a size-able  Mennonite population nearby.  


There are three of four Dutch inspired restaurants in the Sarasota area. 

We chose Der Dutchman because it was still open when Saturday's round was over. 

We intend to try the other places suggested by TripAdvisor on future trips.

It was excellent.

Der Dutchman also houses a large gift shop and bakery. 


We were too busy eating the simple yet delicious buffet offerings to snap many pics, but as I passed the bakery counter on our way out, I remembered a recent text from my brother involving authentic Pennsylvania Dutch donuts and delicacies.

Only then, as we were leaving, did I think to snap some photos, the better to (eventually) lure him to Florida with. Think it'll work? 


Drive,Chip Putt Sub-Regional


Chandler's Sub-Regional Qualifier for Drive, Chip & Putt took place in Orlando. He made alternate and won third place overall for putting. There was a lot of close golf that day. And rain. Plus a few frogs.

We're proud of our little man- who, as you may have noticed, isn't so little anymore.

And as Uncle Nick pointed out- there's no need to pray for another player to fall sick, we can simply pray that one or more are called on a missions trips.

 Gotta love pastoral counsel.

Here's an assortment of photos and a video.

We can talk later about the great idea to have this event hosted just around the corner, @ Annika's Academy... with indoor plumbing and a roof... and all those future students milling about on campus all day ...a win/win for both parties...  Yes, we should talk about that some day soon.  :)

A celebratory lunch @ Fudd's was enjoyed afterwards.

photo 2

Chandler receiving medallion: 

Drive,Chip & Putt Qualifier @ World Golf Village


It was a fun day and the World Golf Village was an excellent host. Providing shelter with a smile,  through what felt like an endless downpour, we never felt like an inconvenience. I know that at least one of my children, if not all of them left with the freshest breath they've ever had. A well stocked locker room affects a child with the sudden need to groom... with all the products provided.... or, at least it seems to have that effect on mine.

 Chandler qualified second at the Drive, Chip and Putt Qualifier in St. Augustine. He moves on now to  the sub-regional qualifier in Orlando. We are excited for him.

NFJG Tournament


Chandler joined his head pro and a team of junior golfers for a North Florida Junior Golf tournament @ South Hampton.

(North Hampton is their home course- perhaps it should have been called the Civil War Tournament- ha.)

Some rounds are great for self-esteem, other rounds are great lessons in self-control.

Chandler did win a hat and box of golf balls for one of the closest to the pin holes. On the next round...



Chandler qualified @ ANNIKA Academy for Jr. Elite Team. 

He is taking the occasional lesson there as time & travel permit.

Event & First Lesson Photos:

Drive, Chip & Putt

Some family members from home alerted  us to the Drive, Chip & Putt Championship when the ad started airing on tv during this season's Master's Tournament. I promptly registered Chandler and a little later, we received notice that he had made the 'lottery-style' cut for the first qualifying round. 
We've been a little pre-occupied with baseball, but Chandler took the opportunity to practice at the driving range whenever he could find a chance to do so. 

Though he has been swinging a club since he could hold one, and though he believes golf to be his birthright (I mean, he's from Augusta, how could it NOT be so, right ? Right. ) Aside from friendly rounds of "PuttPutt", this was Chandler's first competitive anything to do with golf. 
Chandler's First ScoreBoard  
Chandler warms up before his group is called to the tee box. 
Chandler waits for his turn at the first event: Driving
 Is there anything more fun than entertaining a toddler in a 'mandatory quiet zone' ? I don't think there could be. Perhaps dental work without Novocain, but it's an awfully close call.

Who can resist conical cups? Not us. Even with the benefit of a sippy cup on hand, we insist on experiencing the joy of cold splashes of water whenever a conical cup is available. 

Coach Dad consulting Chandler as his 'time' draws near. 

An exceedingly nervous Chandler tees up. 

A true picture of "tension" as the men on either side of the ball try to will it to obey their gestures: 

Chandler wasn't feeling too swell about things as we left... I can only share this photo because it was such a quick, sneaky shot it preserves most of his dignity in its off-centerdness...but I wanted to share it because it is the next best thing available  to having watched in person as his dad wrapped an arm around him, beaming with pride anyway... "Attaboy- you're my son and I'm proud of you!" <paraphrased, of course>  

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