Showing posts with label cheer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheer. Show all posts

To Peel An Apple

When I was in grade school, our class took a field trip to the house of another student.

I don't recall everything we did there, but I do recall learning to make cinnamon applesauce.

It must have been Fall.

The lady allowed us each to turn the crank on her apple coring machine.

I thought it was the niftiest thing.

And I have wanted a machine of my own ever since.

They always felt like an indulgence at $20 or even $15 apiece.

But this weekend, I found one brand new, on sale at a thrift store for $3.

I'm tempted to say my life is now complete, but really it is just a tad more sweet.

Apple curls, anyone?

UpWards Ends

Logan closed out her first (and likely last) season as a cheerleader the week before Thanksgiving. They were given a team photo at the ending ceremony. Here it is, courtesy of 
(go peek at her photos, she's got some nice shots over there)

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