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Showing posts with the label MainBeach

Romney/Ryan Rally Too

 Casting a glance up as we walked across to the rally- that's Mrs. Tingle's  large lettering :)   Safety First!  Learning about the process first hand... Taking pictures in the sun=abstract cropping All Heads Are In The Shot... but not all eyes...  Paul Ryan came to Fernandina Beach today.  The Opening Act (thumb pickin' music) The BrewCrew @ Main Beach  Romney/Ryan Rally~Main Beach Park~Fernandina Beach Little Patriot Flag Waving Is Fun Ryan Arrives...    ...Flags Start Waving  Paul Ryan  ::SPEECH:: ::GO VOTE::

Romney/Ryan Rally

Word spreads quickly in a small town. The rumor that Paul Ryan was coming to town was no exception... you could literally watch the word spread from person to person yesterday, as we watched the stage and enormous flag fill in Main Beach Park.   Secret Service was spotted and security kept a vigil over the set up all night.  We registered last night and printed tickets this morning...  A neighbor brought shared banners with those of us who wanted one. (another neighbor is voting Obama -this may be uncomfortable for her...)  We are walking over now... To Be Continued....