MUSEUMS & WOMEN and Other Stories by JOHN UPDIKE I just love John Updike. This collection held most of ' The Maples Stories ', one of my personal favorites. I had already read some of the other short stories in this collection. Other stories included were fun, new discoveries, like ' The Deacon '. The copy I got from the library succeeded in scandalizing my children every time they spied the cover, so Bonus Points for Updike. (See?) Reading Updike on the beach, Fourth of July. THE AMATEUR MARRIAGE by ANNE TYLER I just love Anne Tyler. This was a re-read. I had read this story many years ago. In the spirit of full disclosure, I wasn't positive about that until I started to read. However... I just love Anne Tyler... so I kept reading...anyway, a lot of 'old' books are becoming more and more like new books. Though, for me, the first thing I forget is not the author, rather the ending, still I have found forgetting happens... true...