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Showing posts with the label Maple Street

Maple Street Morning

The morning of Clay's " Business Meeting " (Ahem: Golf Tournament) we roamed & roved until time to meet back up. I had long wanted to try Maple Street Biscuit Company, so when we stumbled across their new Beaches location, it was all happy anticipation. We were not disappointed. The place has atmosphere... really nice atmosphere. Above the drink station hang Mason jar lights, wire baskets line the dining area and the long sturdy tables provide plenty of sitting room for large parties. Had the Atlantic Ocean not been lapping the shore just across the road, the warmth and earthy textures coupled with the friendliness of the staff could have convinced me that I was in a mountain breakfast house. Years of family road trips to North Carolina and Tennessee have left me quite fond of such places, though I'm inclined to believe most everyone has at least a  slight breakfast bias. {Do you?} One of the benefits of having such a "shoe-full" of children is that we a...