Showing posts with label neighbors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neighbors. Show all posts

Neighborly Ninjas

We have resident Fiddlers. They're like friendly little ninjas. Occasionally I will come home to a little ninja sitting on the front door thresh, waiting patiently to be let in. Other times I will walk out to find that one has been crushed by human foot, unaware. 
On the day of the Great Ninja Occupation, both invading critters were trapped humanely and returned to the marsh's edge...after a bit of matching  wits. Lil' guys are smart- and fast. I could see their little eyes watching me as I schemed to block or trap them- and in response they would flatten their little bodies and dart to the next corner/hiding spot within reach. This is when I realized I was dealing with ninjas. 
The law of dominion eventually prevailed..let us *hope that it persist.

* I rarely 'conquer' a lower critter that I'm not reminded of a particular ALF episode:   

Leimbergs @ the Library

We stopped by the library for the first time in a long while the other day. While inside, rediscovering the joys of the library's "All You Can Read...and for FREE" buffet it began to rain... so we just took our time. 

Books were read, magazines too. 
Blocks were stacked. Puppets emerged. 
Hours passed. 

G.K. is one of my all time favorites... in the whole wide world. This is a children's title, but it is also a metaphor... check it out ;) 
When we were at the Circulation Desk signing up for Summer Reading, a couple asked us if they could take our photo for some library promo materials. Though I usually put up a fuss about being in photos, I was put on the spot and agreed so as to be, well... agreeable. 

So, we did what we could to help the library... these shots, we were informed, would go to make PSA Style posters to promote the library and her various reading programs (Great, I didn't even consult a mirror and they're going to make these photos poster size! Just Wonderful!) 

We were told they are often featured in the local newspaper too. (Double Great!) 

After our session, the couple rounded the library, holding more spontaneous photo shoots. As they snapped the photo of a family nearby, I over heard a librarian talking about what a wonderful and sorta famous photographer we had in our presence. 

When we crossed paths again, the photographer-who had won Riley's approval by talking about block stacking, passed us a business card and an invitation to drop an  email for a copy of the photos taken of our crew:
Steve & JoAnn Leimberg
@ Unseen Images
I checked out the website the following day and found beautiful pictures that tell stories. I sent an email to Mr. Steve and we exchanged pleasant conversation. He also shared with me the copies below. 

I love the library and all the kinds of folks that we meet there :)

(Thanks again, Leimbergs)

Signing up for Summer Reading

Notice Chandler's shout out to Carolina? 

Summer Readers

Busy, Busy

 It was a busy weekend in the Brewer Camp~ 2 birthdays (1 carrot cake, 1 jello) , 2 baseball games(1 out of town). Multiple sport practices,  one incident of UpWards Cheer...birthday present shopping and early voting across town.

 While I am still uploading and sorting photos for the birthdays, I thought I'd begin chronologically with the Halloween that wasn't--- since there are only two pictures for that occasion.

We opted out of Trick Or Treating... because of the aforementioned busy-ness; because the Big Kids are big now; and....because we're not pagans.

Relax- I'm only teasing.


We also opted out of our church carnival (a.k.a. the "Christian Tee Shirt" version of Trick or Treat). (See above reasons.)

But, we did have a spot of pumpkin pie:

(15= First Date 15 years ago, Halloween Night 1997)

We decided to spend our evening inside, hanging out as a family. I started the birthday cakes, we watched a movie together and just relaxed. But then...there came a smirk worthy twist to our evening. 

But first, a smidge of background. 
In the week prior, several neighbors had asked if the kids would be trick or treating, so that they could have candy on hand, if so. Our complex isn't a local trick or treating destination and -our kids make up more than half the adolescent population. We have heard many times 
"How nice to have children around here... we were becoming a retirement home" 

Having received a "probably not" when asked if they should expect our kids at their front door, I thought perhaps I sensed some disappointment...but...this one time,  I was accused of over-analyzing stuff, so I didn't really give it a second thought. ;)


The Reverse Trick Or Treating began. 

It started with a knock on our door. 

"Who is it?" met by "Trick or Treat!"

 I opened the door to our landlady, dressed as a friendly witch, holding out goodie bags for each child. 

On her heels came the complex's security guard, carrying a bowl full of apples, cupcakes and goodies that he and his wife had put together. 

Next up was our next door neighbor to the right with M&M's. 

Then came our neighbor on the left, two doors down- he brought Reese Cups. 

After that, more candy from our neighbor directly to the left - More M&M's.

I've never seen anything like it.

It is a hard thing for me to accept kindnesses and thoughtfulness extended in my direction. 

Of course, the kindness and thoughtfulness were really extended to our children, but- to me, same difference.

I tend to want to pay kindnesses back...endlessly... until what was meant as a small gesture, turns into a huge nice-off (and often involves an insane amount of baked goods exchanged)

But in this case, we had not prepared for trick or treaters...I couldn't even match them candy for candy. All I could offer in exchange for their treats and thoughtfulness was a smile, a heartfelt thank you ... and, I don't know... 
" you need some soup or something? Let me go see what I have in the pantry... surely there's something in there I could send you away with... "

(I'm not serious, though it MAY have crossed my mind...) 

Thank You Again, Neighbors!
We really appreciate your thoughtfulness. 
Reverse Trick Or Treating Sweets

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