I recently let my friends at Patheos know I was turning " The Pretty Good Report " out to pasture. To quote my teenage daughter's favorite anti-hero: " It's me, hi! I'm the problem, it's me. " I first encountered Patheos as a young-ish blogger, many years ago, at a time when I was also making my faith and life my own. I explored a lot of new ideas by the authors-of-then. I met with fresh perspectives and thought-provoking challenges; it was a season of growth and growing up. As a result, I held Patheos with kind regard and the chance to join their ranks seemed like a good reason - perhaps even motivation- to write. But the opportunity to write for them arrived in a different, more rooted season. It is curious to look back and see how tall we've changed, how thick our bark. " Further up, further in " as the Unicorn was heard to say. I realized along the way that this whole journey is a continual forward motion until we rea...