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Showing posts with the label animal science

Horsing Around

Rye is all about HORSES these days. Therefore, WE are all about horses these days.  From stick ponies: On our way back home from a Sunday drive to Savannah, we stopped by Bass Pro Shop. She also got a lasso: And carousel rides: Chandler shilled out the money for baby sister to take a whirl around the mall carousel before we headed back home.  Hey, Ya'll!   To galloping and leaping around the house, pretending to be a horse:  Then finally, FINALLY meeting (&riding) a REAL horse: Stay-N-Country Ranch has a LOT of horses and other animals too. Fisher took his turn first:  Riding like a natural Kentuckian: Waiting patiently in the Peanut Gallery: Fisher holds the harness while Rye gets geared up Moment Of Truth: "Riley are you ready for your turn?" 'YES! I'm ready to JUMP FENCES?' GiddyUp & Away We Go!  Learning to command the horse and identify parts with Mrs. Missy:  Learning to care for horses is an important part of riding them.   Hoo...


Animal Science Assignment: Make a Paramecium by tracing your shoe. Chandler Logan Fisher ~k ((gotta show 'em what to do, right?)) My favorite part of this project was when Chandler momentarily looked up from his protist project and quipped: "I thought we quit gluing food to our paper in Kindergarten. "


Animal Science Assignment: Make a sand dollar and a sea star out of sand dough. Chandler Logan Fisher ~k ( I love getting to join in on school projects with my kids :)

Cell Structures

We are studying cells in both Plant & Animal Sciences.  Plastic Bag= Cell Membrane Jello=Cytoplasm Non Perils= Mitochondria (dissolved prior to photo) Fruit Cereal-Vacuoles Honey Cereal= Nucleus ~Placed in empty oatmeal boxes, stacked on other boxes, discussed Cell Walls giving plants structure Added Raisins= Photons


 We are nearing the end of our Animal Science book. The chapter on worms afforded us the chance to get dirty AND eat treats... we made dirt sundaes and used gummy worms for our diorama project...we were going to do that whole pinterest Jell-o Worm t hing, but ended up needing the Jell-o we had on hand for our Cell Project in Plant Science. Chandler's Worm Habitat Logan's Worm Habitat Fisher's Worm Habitat Studying worms put me in the mindset of an old song that we used to get sung at us whenever we may be suffering an episode of self-pity...and, that old song worked every time, but not, I believe, because it illustrated the futility of our folly to us in a fun and ironic way, rather, simply because it ushered the Pity Party Host & Guest of Honor  immediately from Depression into Anger . (for the record, I had never heard the parts about "down goes the first one, up comes the first one..."  YUCK That would have made me even madder, I imagine... 


Today's lesson: Jellyfish, Coral and Anemones....sounds like a great excuse for popcorn and Finding Nemo, no? We've seen several displays of jellyfish at zoos and aquariums over the years. The movement and translucence of a jellyfish never cease to mesmerize. Perhaps we need one of these personal jellyfish tanks.  Loosely related and highly distracting is this song about Jellyfish, which we sincerely hope gets stuck inside your head :)

Smarty Legs

We've been learning about Invertebrates in science. Mollusks specifically. Today we watched this video on cephalopods.  Be amazed.