The listing read "Stitch me back together." It was a hand-turned vessel, made from grapevine, that had cracked under pressure. It caught my attention. I am drawn to finding beauty in broken things because I am a broken thing. If we were to have a show of hands, I'm probably not the only one. So it was that I adopted this broken vessel as a kind of self-portrait. When it arrived, I discovered 'FRAGILE' apparently means something like 'Please shake til glass breaks' in post office speak. The test tube had shattered. While it retained its shape, it would not retain water. What's more, it was not keen on leaving its cozy wood lodgings; it was stuck. The two vessels were broken individually and together. Yesterday, I finally found a chance to sit alone with 'myself' and consider the broken vessel. Before contemplation: I started to use gold paint with kintsugi in mind, but rather quickly had a different inspiration. After contemplation: Fault...