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Showing posts with the label whatwehadforlunch

Lunch & Learning on Lazaretto

Lazaretto Creek is one of my favorite spots [ so far,  life is young yet...oh,  but not as young as she used to be ]  Whether we're headed towards the ocean or away from her,  I enjoy crossing over the scenic spot: boats of all sorts to one side,  lonesome Cockspur Light on the other. I enjoy spending time down near the docks even more. Yesterday's lunch found us creekside @ CoCo's finishing arithmetic [1 Million ÷ 25 ] o ver sandwiches featuring melted cheese ( there were other ingredients but it is only ever the cheese that matters ) and counting our fingers to the rhythm of the music from many decades and genres . That's all really.  Just a nickel for the Nice Day jar.  Thanks for listening. Bonus Nickel: I learned more about lazarettos than I previously knew when getting ready to frilly up this post with links. Double Bonus Nickels [dime?]: I learned more about Lazaretto Creek's unique history , too. And as is often the case, learning backstory...