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Showing posts with the label math

Lunch & Learning on Lazaretto

Lazaretto Creek is one of my favorite spots [ so far,  life is young yet...oh,  but not as young as she used to be ]  Whether we're headed towards the ocean or away from her,  I enjoy crossing over the scenic spot: boats of all sorts to one side,  lonesome Cockspur Light on the other. I enjoy spending time down near the docks even more. Yesterday's lunch found us creekside @ CoCo's finishing arithmetic [1 Million ÷ 25 ] o ver sandwiches featuring melted cheese ( there were other ingredients but it is only ever the cheese that matters ) and counting our fingers to the rhythm of the music from many decades and genres . That's all really.  Just a nickel for the Nice Day jar.  Thanks for listening. Bonus Nickel: I learned more about lazarettos than I previously knew when getting ready to frilly up this post with links. Double Bonus Nickels [dime?]: I learned more about Lazaretto Creek's unique history , too. And as is often the case, learning backstory...

Teaching Textbooks

Teaching Textbooks are my hero. When they arrived in the mail, it was like Christmas had come early. No, not that grown up Christmas of cash strapped and frazzled frenzy. Rather that Christmas of early childhood, when Santa may just be possible, everything on your list was within a parent's reach and waiting under the tree to be unwrapped come Christmas morning.  (o.k. so maybe we're talking about early childhood of a bygone era, back before babies navigate swipe and fling apps before they're 3)  Still, I was giddy opening the package... I was never as excited about math while a student as I am about facilitating this program...but the kids don't need to know that.  One last grade level to install and we'll be set for school to start on Tuesday. In the meantime, I think Santa needs a cookie...