Showing posts with label Preschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preschool. Show all posts

First Day of School~ Fall Term 2015

"Everyday is a School Day (And That's The Way We Like It!)"  is our intended mentality, but our reality includes new back-to-school activities  every now and again. 

It helps us pretend that we aren't weird home schoolers every day... only most of them. 

It also gives us a window of time to measure progress for our required annual review. 

One Year Ago:



I took a lot of photos intending to hopefully luck into a few good ones to share, but to haven't found the necessary time or focus to sift through or edit photos, so here we are, squinty eyes and all...Scroll quickly....

Dear Author

Dear Ms. Ann M. Martin  &  Ms. Laura Godwin,

Please imagine for a moment that you are four years old and your mom has recently finished reading "The Meanest Doll In The World" to you.

One fateful day, you walk into a thrift store with her. There, in the midst of clothes, shoes and well-loved toys is a dollhouse as tall as you are. (Remember, you're 4...)  But it isn't just any dollhouse, no. It is THE dollhouse. You know this because 'KATE' is spelled across the roof in bright red vinyl. (You can't actually read yet, but you're working on it. Your mom tells you what the letters spell but of course, you already KNEW this was Kate's house the moment you spotted it.)

Your mom believes it must be destiny because... I mean, what are the odds? So she texts your dad, because it cost TWENTY-FIVE dollars! (Twenty five dollars that will prove to be only a small down payment in the grand scheme of things... have you ever looked in a minitures catalog? Those folks are serious.)

Here is what she sends him:


It totally works.

 (remember this when it's time to get that pony)

You don't realize it as you take the house home, but your mom is about to go somewhere...else. She will spend many nights bent over this house, clipping popsicle sticks for baseboards or 'wallpapering' the small walls. Her neck will hurt- a lot-  and she will need massive amounts of coffee when it's time to 'be the mom', but she will proudly show you her latest work like she wants you to hang it on the fridge or something and you two will scour ebay for dolls and furniture everyday for days and weeks on end. She will smile and tell you stories about her dolls and old dollhouse. 

She will have so much fun, it will almost be like she's four, too


 At first you tell your mom that you want black shutters and a black roof, but you both agree it looks too haunted that way. You give your mom creative license but remind her kindly to " Do what the dolls want, not just what we want"

Shelf Paper Wood Flooring


Under Construction

Construction Zone

The house is a work in progress for a while...a pretty long while. Things in the real house are being neglected. Someone should go buy groceries. Seriously.  

Wheels are added to the bottom and a crystal knob that casts rainbows around the room on sunny days is affixed to the door. There's a shiny number four on the front because remember--now we all are four!

We have a friend who builds people houses making a front door and more window ledges. 

 Meanwhile...'re making your way through the rest of the Doll People series... falling more in love with Annabelle & Tiffany, Doll-Kind and most importantly... BOOKS.  Books are literally coming to life for you. This makes your mom feel sly; like she served you vegetables instead of Cheetos for once. 

You've found the perfect Annabelle and Tiffany dolls to freshen up from eBay Land.  You routinely check new dolls for bisque faces. It's amazing the ways that learning a new word like bisque or porcelain affect everyday life, like how slowly and carefully you must now go about your errands with Mom whenever Annabelle decides to tag along in your Dora the Explorer backpack. It is almost like bringing along a newborn baby.

You also better appreciate Annabelle's situations in the books.

So Fragile!  

eBay listing "Porcelain Doll from Japan" 

Green, of course.

Thank Goodness for Ailene's Fabric Fusion- Mom doesn't sew all that well.

Sometimes, as we made dresses or curtains,  we could be heard singing "Ailene, Ailene, Ailene, Aiiiileene...please make this fabric stick just because you can!"  (Jolene)

Mom had DollyPops when she was a little girl. And now she has them as a big little girl.

DollyPops get some overdue TLC...and paint.


DollyPop Day @ The Ladies' Room Spa

The pink one is our Tiffany

 Even though there are still things to be done, your mom wants you to be able to enjoy the house before that number four on the front grows digits in the front or the back. So, finally, she moves it and your vast and quickly growing doll population in to your room. 

Remote controlled cabinet lights make the house interactive until we can afford those tiny chandeliers in the catalog
... we've kept the attic dark because you've got to stay true to the
book. We are looking forward to Halloween decor coming out in stores
soon so that we can add a few spiders too.

See that pink wardrobe? It's NARNIA.  Tilly Mae is in her crib. Free carpet samples from Lowes make a soft place for dolly toes.


Popsicle stick sofa & perfume bottle-top dolls

Picture frame fireplace with popsicle stick mantel Glitter glue flames are safe for dolls and children alike.

Fresh eggs from HennyBlue, Booster the Rooster helps keep the time, gathered round the table with good friends is always a good place to be.Free linoleum sample squares curl just like the full size version 

Contruction projects ensue. 

Stories continue to unfold.

 But it all started with one story... yours

Aslan & Pippi too... Cruella DeVille is our stand in Mean MiMi... Bobby & Bailey are having a ball...  that handmade ladder may be the proudest thing I've ever accomplished- not counting real live baby humans... Tiffany & Annabelle- BBFF (Bunk Bed Friends Forever) 

So, if you can imagine all of that Ms. Ann & Ms. Laura, maybe you can also imagine how much we appreciate your having sent us on such a fun voyage. It's an ongoing adventure and you gave us the fare. We wanted to send you a picture postcard of the fun we're having and say thanks. So...

 Thank you.

Thank you very much. 

Riley would like to add (in her own voice): "The books are awesome and pretty and they are also pretty awesome." 

RyeBird tried to recruit her Papa to read The Doll People books too... Reading Rainbow style: 


Take 2:

The Hospitality Room


I let my full weight fall against Burger King's heavy glass door and pushed against it. By nature a fairly passive person, I knew the door would absorb my unusually forceful shove with no loss of dignity. I even imagined it welcomed me a little. Better doors than people. (or...doors are better than people?)

   We were en route to the bedside of a very sick relative and I knew we may not make it in time to say good bye.

   Over the course of the morning, I had morphed into a tiny black rain cloud, prone to outbursts like thunder claps and sudden showers that washed away any semblance of "strength".

    Once inside the ladies room,  I wiped away what streaked mascara could be budged and sighed a prayer of "please".

   I wasn't praying for extra time. I wasn't praying to get there. I was praying for peace and that all would be well with my uncle...soul know..."It is is well...with my soul." And I was praying for my aunt who will most notice the drought of his showered affections.

   Back inside the car, I learned that my uncle had taken his leave. Just that quick. How closely my praying and his passing coincided, I'll likely never know, but there was a certain proximity that is hard for a person like me to ignore. 

   A person like me how exactly? I'm not sure there are words for that but... I keep the fortunes from my cookies sometimes if that helps.

The cloud expanded, showers persisted.

I'd lost my Keillor comrade, my Alaskan liaison. 89 is a long life, but not long enough for me to have gotten to hear all the stories I wanted to hear, have the conversations I wished to have. At Christmas, I'd known he knew we may be seeing each other for the last time- I'm the girl that rarely gets back home. He brought me his Clancy collection and some other books. We talked about kindles and nooks and the smell of old books. I told him I'd send him a copy of my friend's new book, a link to an NPR app. We hugged, said 'I love you' - not the worst farewell. But none of them are ever good.

   I was a sad little rain cloud.

   From the back seat came an urgent cry " I needago potty!" Rye's 4. She waits til the last possible minute. Preschool bladders have no regard for sombre moments.

   We stopped at the Nickel Pumper in Estill. She was wiggling she had waited so long. We got to the restroom but found an out-of-order sign on the door.

   "No other bathroom?" I asked the hunched over lady at the register. She grunted out something with a negatory sound and I saw that she wouldn't have the location of the employee restroom tortured out of her by the sight of a desperate little girl. She was indifferent to our plight.

   I scooped up my urgent urchin and made a bee line for... I wasn't really sure...but we had to get there fast wherever we were headed.

   Directly across from the filling station was an auto parts store. There were several men out front so I figured it was open. For the same reason -the all male cast out front- after I'd covered nearly half the distance, I heard my late grandfather's admonition "Might be dangerous for a lady."  Actually, he was shaking his head... but I knew exactly what he meant.

   I scanned the surrounding businesses, a Chinese restaurant to the left - no clear sign that they were open. Nothing else nearby held the promise of plumbing, no where else had a glowing neon OPEN sign like the auto parts store. Besides, we were at the front door now. No turning back.

   "Excuse me, sir" I approached the counter. He had already begun putting his conversation on pause when he saw me approaching. His customer was from Beaufort and it was clear that this shop owner knew his customers, is counted amongst their trusted friends. "Do you have a restroom this wee one might use? We stopped across the street but it is out of order."

   "You are welcome here ma'am. They've been playing that same game over there for twenty years."

   He excused himself from the customer and led us through the long shelves of auto parts inventory to the facilities we were so desperately in need of by this point.

   I've got to tell you...this bathroom was not only welcoming, it was downright cozy. Clean and well stocked, it smelled nice and was stylishly decorated. Not at all what one might expect to find in a place where motor oil is sold and men come in wearing it on their clothes.

   This surprise mingled with our gratitude at being granted admission had the effect of turning an ordinary, tasteful restroom in to a haven of rest.

   The antique sewing machine that served as a shelf also contained an "Our Daily Bread" booklet...Ah! Perhaps we are family...that would explain the undeniable feeling of welcome. I admit, I picked it up, let it fall open, looking for a glimpse of encouragement, a little silver to guild my edges.

   As Riley washed her hands, I thought about what I could possibly buy in this parts store. It is my standard road trip protocol to patronize whatever establishment we have made a pit-stop at. I always feel terribly guilty if I don't. I decided I would at least ask the gentleman's name and try to cast an eye about for something I recognized, to purchase.

   I introduced myself, he was Gary he said. I gave a brief overview of the travel situation that had led to us coming in to his store. I told him that his kindness, especially in the face of this bleak day, had been like a soothing balm. I thanked him and told him that if I knew what to buy, I certainly would purchase something.

   He objected at that. Absolutely not necessary.

"Anytime you're thru this way, you are welcome here." He realized that we may pass through again on our return trip (Estill is sort of a junction between country roads and cotton fields) He reiterated his warm welcome and sent me on my way with a business card.

As I crossed the road back to the Nickel Pumper, this quote ran through my mind:

"So shines a good deed in a weary world."

~ Willy Wonka. 


I felt hugged at a time when I really needed a hug...not that I would ever admit to needing anything...ever.

When I looked that quote up, I learned a slightly different version actually first appears in The Merchant of Venice...Willy Shakespeare.

So, now, I have to read MoV in the near future...just as soon as I can find a companion reader's guide to help me translate. Or perhaps I should see it on stage. (Uncle Roy loved the arts)  

Until then, I'd like to channel my best Paul Harvey voice to tell you that when you shop at your friendly C & N Auto Parts in Estill, SC you are shopping with good folks. With old fashioned customer service, fair pricing, quality work and staff who treat you like family, C & N Auto Parts in Estill,SC is a store that is worth the drive. So, stop by C & N Auto Parts for any and all of your automotive needs, and tell Gary I say hello. He's good people.


There are various ways to make seed bombs. We chose the method that used materials we already had on hand. It was one of the cleaner options as well. 

Start by choosing seeds that grow well in your area. A quick glance at 'native' plants may be helpful. 

Put scrunch tissue in a large bowl - this scrunchy filler can often be found in the gift wrap section of your local Dollar Tree (and possibly lingering in the bottom of any recently received gift bags) If you have a paper shredder, you could recycle the collected shreds or make your own shreds using colored paper.   

(gotta make time for BigSib Photo breaks)

Toddler helper optional but highly encouraged. 
Pour water into the scrunchy paper. You may wish to add layers of color separately to prevent dyes from blending. 

Mush the paper together until it will hold shape, then drain excess water: 

Mix in seeds: 

Roll paper to form jawbreaker sized bombs (or larger if desired) Paper can also be pressed into cookie cutters to form other shapes. 

This part is not unlike the process for home made paper. Once a shape is formed, squeeze any remaining water and place on a cookie sheet to dry. This may take a day or longer. 

As you might be able to see, by the time we returned to this project, the 'bombs' had already begun sprouting. 

All that remained was to toss them into abandoned lots or areas that needed a touch of life. To me, it was the trickiest step. For all the positives associated with planting flowers and sprucing up unsightly plots, tossing the bombs from my car window into scrubby areas,  without the benefit of explaining, "We are not littering!" felt deviant. 

We Made A Cat

We made a cat! 
No, not THAT cat~ another cat. 
A paper mache cat. 

Look, if you ever want to work on control issues- do paper mache with a toddler. Whether you need to work on not having to be in control or operating from a place of more self control, getting creative with a tot is sure to least confirm the issues are present.

What follows is a pictorial journey from two balloons, some newspaper and flour paste to a new paper friend that follows us around everywhere... except the pool... I had to put my foot down on that :)

Pasting strips of newspaper around balloons. 


No one has to teach them these things... she just knew how to paint herself... and she enjoyed it. We were killing time with creativity while waiting for the paste to dry...she was SUPPOSED to be painting paper. 

A cat begins to take shape... 

...and a mess.

It's always a pink cat she wants... 

Staying busy with the 'squirt paints' while Mom works on the smaller details. 

It was late when I left the cat to dry. Rye had already turned in...

Rye meets her new friend first thing the next morning... and wants it to go swimming with her. She's got a thing or two to learn about cats.

She put her shoes on all by herself... can you tell?

A hair bow and collar of ribbon for holding a jingly bell, our project is complete. She wants to know:


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