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Showing posts with the label #thetruthaboutus

More Thoughts on 'The Truth About Us' by Brant Hansen

Today, my friend's book released on Amazon: #TheTruthAboutUs I participated in a launch team to help raise awareness of the book. I only get involved with things I  believe are worth multiplying. That is hands down the truth in Brant's case and in the case of this book. God not only put Brant on the radio in His great providence, I firmly believe He also formed Brant as a radio in his own right, emitting a unique frequency that is the only signal a select few of us are able to pick up on. Those of us who get the clearest signal when tuned into Brant's frequency have an assorted variety of super powers but one thing we seem to share in common is this ability to feel at once isolated and privileged to be grouped together. Brant speaks directly into that. And I, for one, appreciate it. Remember Gilligan's Island? Brant is a radio,  powered by salt-water and coconut shells , broadcasting messages of hope and rescue to our motley band of 'three hour cruise' castaways...