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Showing posts with the label 14-15

Aletheia First Day Fall Term

Our Fall Term started last week. We rearranged our classroom. Started with coffee, of course...  Rye insisted she wanted "real" coffee in her cup... ... I think she liked it.  First Period: Individual Grade Photos FISHER KAI Fisher is in Jr. High now 6th-ish Grade LOGAN ALEECE   Logan is finishing Jr. High 8th-ish Grade CHANDLER BRICE: Chandler is a Freshman (& not very fond of having his photo taken)  2nd Period: Group Photo  AFTER SEVERAL ROUGH DRAFTS... ALETHEIA FIRST DAY FALL TERM 2014-2015   3rd Period: Group Work    A peek into one of our favorite classes: Rubber Pencil 101 (and a video about Earthquakes)  Pre-3 runs simultaneously in the same room:  Weather gal : Fidgets have been added to each desk space~ a listening aid, believe it or not:  A Book Butterfly: Riley in her " Music Appreciation " tent..a.k.a. naptime: She now says " I hate music appreciation! "  There were many other things not pictured, like a lesson...