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Showing posts with the label sriacha

Hot Tropics Tomato Soup

Ideally, I would have picked the tomatoes for this soup and stewed them down on a low simmer. I would have caught & plucked the chicken used for broth and set that on another low simmer. Not neglecting to milk my pet cow and a few coconuts too, I would have made sour cream, cocount milk and even the Cheeze-It ™ crackers from scratch. Eventually, finally, bringing it all together in a savory combination in one pot.  This is not an ideal world.  I have four children. (who all want something different for lunch, mind you) I homeschool. (so I know about the dangers of using canned foods, I know!)  I kill plants. (No tomatoes would have likely made it to the picking stage under my care) I don't know that the cow would be that much safer.  If I were close enough to a coconut tree to climb it, I wouldn't be rushing back to the house to make soup... (or climbing it either...but that is another story about how long it has been since I've been in the beloved Keys...and if ...