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Showing posts with the label Adventures

The Hospitality Room

    I let my full weight fall against Burger King's heavy glass door and pushed against it. By nature a fairly passive person, I knew the door would absorb my unusually forceful shove with no loss of dignity. I even imagined it welcomed me a little. Better doors than people. (or...doors are better than people?)    We were en route to the bedside of a very sick relative and I knew we may not make it in time to say good bye.    Over the course of the morning, I had morphed into a tiny black rain cloud, prone to outbursts like thunder claps and sudden showers that washed away any semblance of "strength".     Once inside the ladies room,  I wiped away what streaked mascara could be budged and sighed a prayer of "please".    I wasn't praying for extra time. I wasn't praying to get there. I was praying for peace and that all would be well with my uncle...soul know..." It is is well...with my soul ." And I wa...


There's just something special about Walt Disney's Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow. It is my favorite park for several reasons, and it seems to me one of the most fitting monuments to the man behind Mickey Mouse. At its inception, Walt said of EPCOT:  "EPCOT will be an experimental prototype community of tomorrow that will take its cue from the new ideas and new technologies that are now emerging from the creative centers of American industry. It will be a community of tomorrow that will never be completed, but will always be introducing and testing and demonstrating new materials and systems. And EPCOT will always be a showcase to the world for the ingenuity and imagination of American free enterprise." Ingenuity. Imagination. America.  I think that's all of it in a nutshell.  Walking through the park makes me nostalgic. Not only for past visits and childhood adventures, but also for the strong broth of a certain philosophy, spooned to me steadily f...

Meeting Snow White

On our recent anniversary/family birthday, we were able to catch up with Snow White. She was a lot of fun.  

Meeting Aurora

After Riley's first visit to Disney , the weather forecast a dreary next few days, so we headed home until the weather was to improve. Using the bleak days to clear certain business matters from our plate, we were free to return when the weather was nice... and just in time to celebrate our family's seventeenth birthday (anniversary). We chose Epcot park this time- my personal favorite. Aurora was scheduled to make one appearance so we made a bee line for her pavilion once we had checked in.  We were not disappointed.

Disney Photos

When asked what she was most looking forward to at Disney, Riley hoped to meet Princess Aurora. Everyone else agreed that watching RyeBird explore the Magic Kingdom for her first time would be the highlight of our experience. While we didn't catch Sleeping Beauty this go around, Riley hardly seemed to notice once she got inside the park.  And we enjoyed watching her have a big day every bit as much as had been anticipated...even the part where she was scared of Daisy & Minnie... a decision she made only after we waited in a considerably long line, and only once we were close enough to judge they were just too big, too real for her comfort.  At the end of the day, Rye's favorite part was "Dream Along With Mickey"- the stage show at Cinderella's castle where we all defeated Malificent by chanting 'Dreams DO Come True!" until the jilted sorceress had no choice but to storm off in a huff and puff of smoke, promising we hadn't seem the last of her... (...

Twirling With Merida

We had waited in a respectable line to meet Merida, listening all the while to people in front of us discuss 'underground trading' for Fast Pass slots to meet other, more in-demand characters. Apparently that's a real thing.  When we reached the front, the kilted line manager noticed Riley passing the time by testing the twirl of her dress. He asked her how his own twirl was, flaring the kilt with a full 360° spin. Gotta love those cast members who like to have fun. Before I could ask him for an encore twirl and photo it was our turn to greet the princess...he said "Let's see if Merida's dress twirls." It did.

MK '06 // '15

Magic Kingdom trips 2006 // 2015. Time changes everything.  Or, most things. ;]

Magic Kingdom Monday

It was a long day, it was a fun day. It was a day filled with walking, it was a day filled with dancing. Stay tuned... [we're recharging our batteries... especially those of us who've known more than two decades worth of days]

Coastal Cousins

In a serendipitous turn of events various cousins from various corners converged on Amelia... I was delighted to be caught in the cross-hairs.  Christian is my cousin Joni's baby boy- he's from Augusta. Fisher & Logan are mine. Charley is my second cousin Chuck's baby girl~ she was there with her momma, Donna (and a BOY!). They're all from around Waycross.  Tyler is Joni's oldest girl, also from Augusta. Riley is also mine.  (Chandler was  @ the golf course)  We couldn't have planned it.  But we have proof it happened... Once Upon Amelia.  :)  

Der Dutchman

We were recently in Sarasota for a Hurricane Tour event. Sadly there are very few photos. It was a busy weekend with unpredictable weather. Clay caddied for Chandler (too busy choosing and drying off clubs to snap pics) while I bustled the remaining children around the surrounding area (too busy climbing in and out of the car with 3 kids to snap pics)  As we explored, we discovered something pretty cool: Sarasota has an Amish population. A fact that we hadn't learned when we were in the area for our 14th Anniversary .  True to Florida style, they're their own kind of Amish. They use electricity and often opt for a bike or scooter instead of horse and buggy. Or, so we read. We also spotted a size-able  Mennonite population nearby.   THEREFORE There are three of four Dutch inspired restaurants in the Sarasota area.  We chose Der Dutchman because it was still open when Saturday's round was over.  We intend to try the other places suggested by TripAdvisor on fu...

Drive,Chip Putt Sub-Regional

Chandler's Sub-Regional Qualifier for Drive, Chip & Putt took place in Orlando. He made alternate and won third place overall for putting. There was a lot of close golf that day. And rain. Plus a few frogs. We're proud of our little man- who, as you may have noticed, isn't so little anymore. And as Uncle Nick pointed out- there's no need to pray for another player to fall sick, we can simply pray that one or more are called on a missions trips.  Gotta love pastoral counsel. Here's an assortment of photos and a video. We can talk later about the great idea to have this event hosted just around the corner, @ Annika's Academy... with indoor plumbing and a roof... and all those future students milling about on campus all day ...a win/win for both parties...  Yes, we should talk about that some day soon.  :) A celebratory lunch @ Fudd's was enjoyed afterwards. Chandler receiving medallion: 

St Augustine Day

In July, we met up with my good childhood friend Jamie,  in St. Augustine.  Jamie and I have been friends since we were in the 6th grade. Over the years we've drifted in and out of contact as life drifted us in various directions. Over the past year, we have been able to reconnect and introduce our children to one another. In a neat twist of events, her Liam and my Rye have become friends, too.  So I guess you could say it was a double play date :) We rode the Ripley's Red Trains and the carousel in  Davenport Park   (Say, do you know the difference between a carousel and a merry-go-round? We do.) And we rode out the rain in the nearby Dunkin Donuts. It was a really great day.  If you ever have an occasion to tour St. Augustine, take it. Learn stuff. It is a fascinating old city. I plan to go again sometime and pay closer attention to the details. And to take pictures. Again. Because the entire roll of our day together was lost to a corrupt SD card. (...

Drive,Chip & Putt Qualifier @ World Golf Village

  It was a fun day and the World Golf Village was an excellent host. Providing shelter with a smile,  through what felt like an endless downpour, we never felt like an inconvenience. I know that at least one of my children, if not all of them left with the freshest breath they've ever had. A well stocked locker room affects a child with the sudden need to groom... with all the products provided.... or, at least it seems to have that effect on mine.  Chandler  qualified second  at the Drive, Chip and Putt Qualifier in St. Augustine. He moves on now to  the sub-regional qualifier in Orlando. We are excited for him.

NFJG Tournament

  Chandler joined his head pro and a team of junior golfers for a North Florida Junior Golf tournament @ South Hampton. (North Hampton is their home course- perhaps it should have been called the Civil War Tournament- ha.) Some rounds are great for self-esteem, other rounds are great lessons in self-control. Chandler did win a hat and box of golf balls for one of the closest to the pin holes. On the next round...


Chandler qualified @ ANNIKA Academy for Jr. Elite Team.  He is taking the occasional lesson there as time & travel permit. Event & First Lesson Photos:

Braves Spring Training

 Back in the Spring, we went to Orlando to watch the Braves train. On the day we went, half of the team was @ the Astro's Spring facility, the other half was @ Disney's complex. We opted for the Astro's facility... nice place, they've got there.Rye & I wandered about the park after she sat in the stands the maximum amount of time a 3 year old can be expected to sit in stands of any sort. It was a great opportunity to check out the food trucks and play area surrounding the field.  

Maple Street Morning

The morning of Clay's " Business Meeting " (Ahem: Golf Tournament) we roamed & roved until time to meet back up. I had long wanted to try Maple Street Biscuit Company, so when we stumbled across their new Beaches location, it was all happy anticipation. We were not disappointed. The place has atmosphere... really nice atmosphere. Above the drink station hang Mason jar lights, wire baskets line the dining area and the long sturdy tables provide plenty of sitting room for large parties. Had the Atlantic Ocean not been lapping the shore just across the road, the warmth and earthy textures coupled with the friendliness of the staff could have convinced me that I was in a mountain breakfast house. Years of family road trips to North Carolina and Tennessee have left me quite fond of such places, though I'm inclined to believe most everyone has at least a  slight breakfast bias. {Do you?} One of the benefits of having such a "shoe-full" of children is that we a...

JaxBeach Golf-Cation

Jax Beach Jubilation:  Oddly enough, the first beach we hit this season was not the one closest to us. Clay had some business across town- (okay, it was a golf tournament.) Tee off was early the next morning, so we grabbed some SmashBurgers (the Sunshine Burger is my favorite) and a room near the shore.  Those of us who did not bring our clubs (or everyone except Clay & Chandler) spent the afternoon on Jax Beach while the big boys went to the driving range.  This was one of our first really pretty days- the sand was warm, the water- no so much.  Not everyone is deterred by cool water. Rye was escorted to the water's edge by each of us in turn. With Sister:  And Fisher- (she calls him her prince):  Lifeguards were training for the oncoming summer season. I think this lesson must have been "People Watching 101" or a "Rogue Surfer Roundup" drill:  No shovel or pail but plenty of sand and teamwork for castle building:  We even spotted a mermaid:...