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So, I would venture to guess that pC and I were some of the youngest folks at Savannah's Civic Center last night-- and that's ok, because somewhere on the inside, I am in my early 60's and looking very scholarly in a tweed jacket. I am not smoking a pipe, because there is virtually nowhere left on the planet to smoke, but I look as if I should be.

And since I am old on the inside-- I had a smashing good time at last night's An Evening With Garrison Keillor. pC was entertained too, though a few times he warned me he was getting drowsy, which is understandable. Keillor has that deep, lulling voice that flows like a cold mountain creek; he could be a hypnotist. In fact, I think it no coincidence that he convinced the entire audience to skip their badly needed bathroom breaks ( ok, so I am speaking personally here) to stay with him through the intermission and have a sing a long.

We sang one of Johnny Mercer's songs to honor the fact that he, Garrison Keillor, was in Savannah, because let's face it- the rest of us live here. In fact, once the lights were raised and we had applauded for the last time, we realized the entire evening had been a show by GK, for GK, and starring GK, but we were ok with that, because he never did snap his fingers or ring a bell; we left still under his spell.

This was no Prairie Home Companion. There were no mentions of ketchup or powdermilk biscuits, no crazy sound effects or Guy Noir. It was Wobegon all the same though, with original songs set to hymn music and a story that could have only happened in a town where "all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average"

Much like the stories in his books, the show was at the same time repetitive and unique. I guess you could say it was "Pretty Good"