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According to Wikipedia, there is no reason to believe that pixie dust can be found amongst the ashes in the fireplace.

Someone should have told Fisher.

It all started with this blasted saving day light nonsense. I had already lost an hour thanks to the springing forward, not to mention it was Sunday afternoon and we had just come home from a large and sleep inducing meal at Jalapenos.

I had fallen asleep on the over sized armchair, despite
blaring at full volume on the t.v. It may have been half an hour, or just as easily been one of my infamous and involuntary, five minute power naps
(some would say narcolepsy-
To-may-to, To-mah-to, I say.)

Eventually, I startled awake and, feeling a bit lost, went to find my prince. I discovered that he too had suffered a bout of
narco-power napping and like a true Goldilocks was still sleeping in my bed. He stirred just long enough to pat the bed beside him- an invitation to hop in.

And I, being the submissive wife that I am, agreed.
"But only a minute," I said, and I set the timer on my phone to make my point...

Twenty minutes and a second, joint power nap later, I woke up and decided the kids had been left to themselves long enough. It had evolved into such a lazy day, I decided there was no sense in spoiling it now with crazy notions like laundry and dishes. I decided to spend a little one on one time with each kid, and found my way into Chan's room for a serious Katamari session. He is always asking me to play the game with him, and I am always saying "Later", so I was feeling like a boy scout, when my prince found his way back to me.

"Come to the living room" he said "You need to see this."

"Just tell me what it is, please" I replied, hoping not to have to give up my turn to roll ( I was up to 10 cm)

"No, really, you need to come in here", he was insistent.

And so I did.

The living room was covered in soot. The tan carpet (which was thankfully already scheduled to be replaced on Tuesday anyway)the red sofa, khaki walls and black cabinets too, now all streaked gray with the soft,powdery ash that has been sitting in the fireplace since we burned the last log in December.

princeCharming went into disciplinarian mode, while I, guilty at heart for power napping in the first place,(Rule # 1 in the mother's handbook"There shall be no rest for the weary,and any attempts to obtain rest will result in extra work and/or major catastrophe)decided to investigate and "chalk" the whole thing up to my own fault for leaving the room - and the children- unattended.

"What were you thinking?" I asked, not having to feign the disbelief "Why did you do this?"

With a smile, he quickly-and innocently- explained "It's fairy dust, momma"

"It is NOT fairy dust" wasn't an ample answer, because he then assured me that, indeed, it WAS fairy dust and he was only trying to fly.
"Peter Pan did it, and he flied up high, momma!"
Guess you can't fault a four year old for wanting that.

(you can however, spend the rest of your "lazy Sunday afternoon" scrubbing soot out of everything -- it says so right there in the handbook)