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I Apologize

Long before Larry coined the term "Lord, I apologize" we have had an initiative in this house to use the word APOLOGIZE in lieu of sorry... this is to prevent flippantly throwing a "sorry" out to a sibling that you've wronged ( in other words it is mostly a teaching tool)
It is not uncommon for me to say " Tell your brother/sister that you're sorry" and then to follow with " Try again. Say, I APOLOGIZE"
So, peek in on me and Fisher yesterday- he always likes to climb up in my lap when I am folding laundry, which takes the ability to fold out altogether, but that's ok cause it isn't my favorite job anyway.
So Fisher is sitting there and I have miraculously emptied one of the 4 or 5 laundry baskets in front of the Chair of Perpetual Unfolded Laundry.
As I move it to the side, I accidentally brushed- not hurt or harmed mind you- merely brushed Fisher's arm.
ME: Oh, I'm sorry- I didn't mean to
Fisher: Say 'I APOLOGIZE'
so i did