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I used to have a principal/algebra teacher

(in tiny Christian schools,one dons many hats)

that LOVED Mondays. Perhaps he had always loved them, but I always suspected he CHOSE to love them in order to gain our attention and make us groan all the louder when he reminded us with a smile what a perfect day Monday was. A day for new beginnings, a clean slate.

" I just LOVE Mondays!" he'd say

and while I still haven't adopted his philosophy, I would LIKE to LOVE Mondays or at least be able to tolerate them... we shall see, until then, here's to Manic Monday and everything on my plate that I hope to address/accomplish before "Frantic Friday" gets here:

  1. Go to bed earlier, get more sleep
  2. Wake up earlier , everyday (and like it)
  3. Go grocery shopping
  4. Make a schedule ( stick to it)
  5. Make rule chart, post prominently
  6. Stick to rule chart all week
  7. Create Incentives / Consequences to accompany chart
  8. Have serious heart to heart with "you know who"quasi-serious
  9. Add walking back into daily routine
  10. Add exercise ball back into daily routine
  11. Make Jellorasperry
  12. Catch Laundry Upbelieve it or not
  13. Clean House ( top to bottom) done
  14. Make Hotel reservations for this weekendnevermind
  15. Write Thanks You notes
  16. Deliver ribbon to the bakery
  17. Contact party clients about remaining detailsphone tag
  18. Call rental house for parentswaiting game
  19. Tour and photograph house
  20. Be NICE ( even when I don't feel like it)
  21. Flee Temptation
  22. and appearances of Evil
  23. Create new playlist
  24. Add overlooked songs to iPod
  25. Buy Curriculum
  26. Test Chandler
  27. Watch What About Brian (nevermind)
  28. Place order with Lowcounrty
  29. Amend current order with Lowcountry
  30. Blog Sensibly
  31. Find those cartridgesFINALLY!
  32. Go to the library
  33. Take a Shower ( repeat often) IIII
  34. Wish parents Happy Anniversary eCard
  35. Send birthday gift to stepson
  36. Figure out what I left off this list
  37. Add to this list
  38. Complete this list