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somebody quick, throw me a rope . . .

. . . on second thought, it is kinda cool down here

and squishy between my toes

I am already so far down

maybe drifting here isn't such a bad idea. . .

WAIT! No... don't talk like that--

remember "the after" ?

it is twice as unpleasant as this is nice

get up! go home!

you silly, foolish pit

I know I am in trouble when scolding myself becomes audible, even violently argumentative

I went straight home

just like I told myself to do

though I'd like to take this chance to say

I really don't think I should talk to ME that way

it isn't very nice

though neither is the other

which is all I was trying to tell myself

sometimes I just don't listen

certain things in life are badly timed

like contentment

mud puddles

and contention

all in one night

one doesn't make the others any easier to bear

it almost seems like it was planned that way

on purpose

I'm being silly, I know

i KNOW better than all of this--i do.

i just need to have a little pep talk with me

i just need to get this out of my system

else I won't be able to climb in to bed

and fall asleep
