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it's too quiet

loving you is like trying to have a phone conversation in a houseful of kids
i know you are there and sometimes i even know what it is you are trying to say
but there's all this other noise from the people who still think they are kids
and when you ask for a little quiet, they, much like a real three year old
seem to be all the more delighted to clang the pot lids together and yell
"Bombs Away!" as they create another disaster
wouldn't it be nice to step out on the porch, to talk where it is quiet?
it just seems silly to keep having this conversation when all it contains is
"huh?" "hmmm?" "pardon me" "i'm having trouble hearing you"
in real life i am always forced to say, 'can you call me later?' or 'let me call you back '
sometimes, the call is dropped, hung up, lost
please, step away from the noise
you're beginning to break up and