Opted for Evan Almighty last night, over Transformers, since the outing was to be a family affair.
Good Movie.
Moving on to the real reason for this post...
I've posted (read: GRUMBLED) about this before, way back before the Great Erase
I think I had titled it something like W.W.J.D.D. ( What Would James Dobson Do? or Rules to Live By (in order to remain a member of the "club")
It isn't that I don't esteem JD's advice, and even TAKE it on many given issues in life... some of the gripe is that, without some sort of handy, pocket sized reference book as to what The Man would(or wouldn't) say or do at any given moment, I find myself doubting the "Christianity" of my actions...I experience the tingling sensation of paralysis running througout my faculties. I know, I know! I see the puss oozing out of this wound... it is ugly and in need of repair, but it is akin to the counselor needing therapy... I see the problem, I admit there is a problem, I analyze and describe the problem in depth and I am even willing to embrace the problem-- FIXING the problem is another matter entirely. Especially since these Jimmy D tendencies are deeply ingrained- have been since my birth.
What does this obvious quirk of mine have to do with Evan Almighty? I plan to tell you that now....
As usual, when deciding on a movie, I went over to Plugged In Magazine Online- "We count the cuss words for you!" - I checked out Transformers first and appreciatively accepted the advice that this film wasn't content I'd want to take my young children to ... I moved on to Evan Almighty, a movie I had been wanting to see and figured was a sure bet with its PG rating...and for the most part, I was right. The reviewer threw a caution flag here or there but overall gave a positive conclusion and even a slight amount of praise to the movie makers for cleaning up their act since Bruce Almighty's debut.
The bee got trapped in my bonnet when I read the special notice from James Dobson (HIMSELF!) at the conclusion of the review... at first I thought it was going to be an extra thumbs up, as in the case of The Passion of The Christ, instead it was an " I disagree with this review" notation.
He's the head honcho, he can do that, I know, but it just made me bristle. It made me think rebellious, "he's out of touch with reality" thoughts, because in order to earn his seal of approval the movie needs to basically become LifeWay Curriculum. He gives it merits because it is clean, he WISHES he could recommend it to you. . . but he simply can't because God is portrayed too much as, well, as one of us.
All in all, I came away with a message that, as a Christ Follower, did not leave me expecting God to pop up in the taxi cab behind me a la' Morgan Freeman, rather I was reminded that, though I don't see him, He is there... He is always there (and everywhere else, too.) Running from Him is futile and no matter how crazy the project He asks you to undertake, in the end, His plans are far better than our own (cue that great scene where God laughs at Evan's notions of having his own plans)
"Lo, I am with you always" - Doesn't Dr. Dobson believe that too?
Someone pulled God out of that dusty,ancient, steel box most folks like to keep him locked away in, painted Him accessible, complete with human qualities, including a sense of humor, and conveyed nuggets of truth to the masses but because it didn't include four homonetical points or a passing of the plate, it needs a special memo saying " I can't reccomend it and I hope you feel guilty if you go"
(theater concession stands CAN sort of feel like a really deep collection plate. . . if it helps )
So, it wasn't theologically sound? So, what!
It wasn't meant to be a worship service, but entertainment. An idea set to motion for people of all walks, not just Christian folks...
Can't we give credit where it is due and set our piety aside long enough to enjoy a family movie?
I appreciate all that the Focus group does to promote and protect families, I am not without respect.
Good Movie.
Moving on to the real reason for this post...
I've posted (read: GRUMBLED) about this before, way back before the Great Erase
I think I had titled it something like W.W.J.D.D. ( What Would James Dobson Do? or Rules to Live By (in order to remain a member of the "club")
It isn't that I don't esteem JD's advice, and even TAKE it on many given issues in life... some of the gripe is that, without some sort of handy, pocket sized reference book as to what The Man would(or wouldn't) say or do at any given moment, I find myself doubting the "Christianity" of my actions...I experience the tingling sensation of paralysis running througout my faculties. I know, I know! I see the puss oozing out of this wound... it is ugly and in need of repair, but it is akin to the counselor needing therapy... I see the problem, I admit there is a problem, I analyze and describe the problem in depth and I am even willing to embrace the problem-- FIXING the problem is another matter entirely. Especially since these Jimmy D tendencies are deeply ingrained- have been since my birth.
What does this obvious quirk of mine have to do with Evan Almighty? I plan to tell you that now....
As usual, when deciding on a movie, I went over to Plugged In Magazine Online- "We count the cuss words for you!" - I checked out Transformers first and appreciatively accepted the advice that this film wasn't content I'd want to take my young children to ... I moved on to Evan Almighty, a movie I had been wanting to see and figured was a sure bet with its PG rating...and for the most part, I was right. The reviewer threw a caution flag here or there but overall gave a positive conclusion and even a slight amount of praise to the movie makers for cleaning up their act since Bruce Almighty's debut.
The bee got trapped in my bonnet when I read the special notice from James Dobson (HIMSELF!) at the conclusion of the review... at first I thought it was going to be an extra thumbs up, as in the case of The Passion of The Christ, instead it was an " I disagree with this review" notation.
He's the head honcho, he can do that, I know, but it just made me bristle. It made me think rebellious, "he's out of touch with reality" thoughts, because in order to earn his seal of approval the movie needs to basically become LifeWay Curriculum. He gives it merits because it is clean, he WISHES he could recommend it to you. . . but he simply can't because God is portrayed too much as, well, as one of us.
All in all, I came away with a message that, as a Christ Follower, did not leave me expecting God to pop up in the taxi cab behind me a la' Morgan Freeman, rather I was reminded that, though I don't see him, He is there... He is always there (and everywhere else, too.) Running from Him is futile and no matter how crazy the project He asks you to undertake, in the end, His plans are far better than our own (cue that great scene where God laughs at Evan's notions of having his own plans)
"Lo, I am with you always" - Doesn't Dr. Dobson believe that too?
Someone pulled God out of that dusty,ancient, steel box most folks like to keep him locked away in, painted Him accessible, complete with human qualities, including a sense of humor, and conveyed nuggets of truth to the masses but because it didn't include four homonetical points or a passing of the plate, it needs a special memo saying " I can't reccomend it and I hope you feel guilty if you go"
(theater concession stands CAN sort of feel like a really deep collection plate. . . if it helps )
So, it wasn't theologically sound? So, what!
It wasn't meant to be a worship service, but entertainment. An idea set to motion for people of all walks, not just Christian folks...
Can't we give credit where it is due and set our piety aside long enough to enjoy a family movie?
I appreciate all that the Focus group does to promote and protect families, I am not without respect.
In fact, I RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE with Dr. Dobson on this, and tip my hat to this reviewer.
I feel that, even amongst the current kiddie fare in theaters this summer, Evan Almighty trumps most of the animated "Blockbusters" we've been offered to enjoy with our families.
There was no special footnote at the end of Shrek 3's review, nor Rattatouille...or any other recent "kid's movie". The content in those other movies didn't assert a direct claim on things to do with God, but they made just as many erroneous and theologically shaky statements as those that have prompted this Post It note from Dobson.
In our case, the issues that did arise served as excellent talking points on the drive home ("But, God isn't BLACK!'- was an excellent opportunity to discuss God's nature and appearance (or lack thereof) with our children... surely family communication is part of the Focus agenda?!)
The time spent with our children was wholesome and fun. Watching them laugh at the funny scenes without cringing that it was a crass attempt at humor they were seeing on screen was worth the cost in tickets and popcorn- those talking points were like bonuses.
Read the review for yourself, and then the note that follows:
There was no special footnote at the end of Shrek 3's review, nor Rattatouille...or any other recent "kid's movie". The content in those other movies didn't assert a direct claim on things to do with God, but they made just as many erroneous and theologically shaky statements as those that have prompted this Post It note from Dobson.
In our case, the issues that did arise served as excellent talking points on the drive home ("But, God isn't BLACK!'- was an excellent opportunity to discuss God's nature and appearance (or lack thereof) with our children... surely family communication is part of the Focus agenda?!)
The time spent with our children was wholesome and fun. Watching them laugh at the funny scenes without cringing that it was a crass attempt at humor they were seeing on screen was worth the cost in tickets and popcorn- those talking points were like bonuses.
Read the review for yourself, and then the note that follows:
I am inclined to believe such a foot note from the Mothership wasn't really necessary, and that in some cases,- like this one- it would do our little "club" a service to lighten up and loosen the collar a bit.
We've got to teach respect for the Holy, yes. This movie doesn't prevent that.
Sitting too high on one's horse prevents encounters of the most intimate kind... the kind involving others.
Then again, I can be downright evil and human in nature... so perhaps I am best ignored.