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Tim Carnes Article

Article by Michael Kraft in the Charlotte Conservative News about Dad's David & Goliath like declaration:

by Michel Kraft
“Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.”
Abraham Lincoln
Or better yet, Abraham Lincoln on Lindsey Graham and others that do not represent the best interests of America.
Those who rise up will come up from nothing and from the ground to lead us. We will once again look to the ordinary man to take the place of those that lose touch or turn their backs on Americans and the rules of law.
Perhaps Tim Carnes? Who? (Exactly) Who and why not?Apparently Tim is a “never-been” politician but always been American Conservative.
He has offered his service to our country, and we support any true conservative or sensible moderate that opposes Lindsey Graham.
Or get a taste for his views on the world in this mini-overview.The following are the views of Tim Carnes who is running for South Carolina’s senate seat currently held by Lindsey Graham.

*** “I believe it is crucial that we win the war being fought in Iraq. I believe the stability of the Middle East is in question if Iraq is allowed to be controlled by Muslim extremists.”

*** “Illegally entering this country is a crime and there should be no amnesty for these individuals who have broken our laws”

*** “All Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies should be empowered and required to enforce all immigration laws.”

*** “Life begins at conception.Life is a gift from our God and Creator.”
*** “I support the Fair Tax Plan. You can read the complete details of the Fair Tax Plan here:

*** “I do not believe the government is the answer to all problems. I believe that smaller government is better and history has taught us that every major social program undertaken by the government proves ineffective and costs more than it is projected when conceived. ”

*** “I believe small government is better than large government. Every area of the government should be scrutinized and reduced in size.”

*** “Freedom of speech is a fundamental right of every American. Free speech shall not be limited or restrained by law. Congress shall make no law which restricts the free exercise of the 1st amendment.”

I hope Tim will write a bit more about what he would do with the opportunity to serve the great state of South Carolina.
Tim, feel free to send your ideals through to us at and allow us to help you remove Graham and use his seat for the service of honest Americans.