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Day 3

Ponte Vedra Beach
Day 3

On day three in Florida, we shunned the hotel's "Great American Grill" breakfast buffet and made a beeline for The Player's Cafe instead.

(conveniently located across the street from Woody's BBQ)
Now, before we go much further, I have to admit that, short of stopping next door at Tiffany's Closet for a bargain priced "designer" handbag and pair of shades, The Player's Cafe is pretty much the only highlight of Day 3- we returned home shortly after breakfast- postponing our Disney trip for a time later on, a time when I95 isn't jammed with football traffic. Be that as it may, if only for the walls, this cafe is a spot worth highlighting.

This guy is the owner- he makes rounds ensuring customer satisfaction. He both resembles his cartoon and doesn't.

The Player's Cafe- TPC hereafter- caters to golfers, locals and families alike. If there isn't a crowd when you arrive, hang on- they are on the way!

The dining room furniture could pass for any small town clubhouse "19th hole"- plastic lawn chairs, plastic condiment containers of butter, jelly and coffee creamer and lattice work in varying places.
The food is good in a very basic breakfast kind of way. It may not be grandma's grits, but you're sure to eat them all up anyhow.
Most remarkable at TPC- and I'm sure you knew I'd have to mention this- is the caricatures of local folks and assorted resident celebrities alike.

Check out this autograph by Johnny Rembert, (#52 N.E. Patriots '83-'91):

"To the Player's Cafe-keep the good food coming and I will keep eating. Best of Luck, Johnny"
King Arnie's signature, too:

And who doesn't know DREW?

I'm afraid this concludes Day 3. I took no photos of Tiffany's Closet, nor the outlets in Darien either. It is a depressing thing to leave Florida for home- I wasn't in a shutterbug mood :)
But...I'll be Back!