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Honey, we're home...

We've just returned from Florida and I am now beginning to work through the inevitable withdrawals. Therapists recommend sharing fond memories of the recently departed in a room full of strangers- but you'll do.

We spent the first night in Amelia Island/Fernandina Beach at the Hampton Inn on Centre Street.

I can hear you now-"wooHoo Hampton Inn- high class!" but you're only acting like that because you didn't get to go and obviously you've never been to THIS particular Hampton Inn. Even if it had nothing going for it but beds to sleep in, its very proximity to Centre street makes it the best stay in Amelia-(though I am sure the Ritz Carlton has its share of perks too.) But it happens to have a lot more going for it, and some best hotel rewards to boot!

I love to stroll down Centre. The marina and train tracks at the end of the street seem to indicate that all roads lead to Amelia. The touristy shops are always fun- my favorite being "Last Flight Out"

(as you'll note on their web page, they now carry Salt Life, which proves they are my kind of people)and of course there's our pal, Pete.

The kids always look forward to the koi pond, but strangely seem to be more skittish of the actual fish as they get older.
("They're kinda freaking me out mom")

We had dinner at Pompeo's, which has become one of our Amelia traditions- (because I officially declared it so, aloud at the table, to ensure our dinner there the next time)
There will always be a next time with Amelia.

You see, Pompeo's is special. It doesn't necessarily look special, but it is.

Inside the menu,(I wanted to steal one to share here, but the darn thing was laminated and there was no way to sneak it out) you'll find about a dozen different ways to order spaghetti as well as all of the other traditional Italian staples. And it is all pretty tasty. But on the cover of the menu, you'll find what gives Pompeo its real charm: the story of owner/chef Mario Pompeo.

Once you realize you are sitting in the "American Dream", and once you see that Mario is actually in the room with you, keeping the wheels well oiled with owner's pride, the type of spaghetti you ordered will fade into a somewhat lower priority.

In order to encourage the kids to better behave, we told them they were eating in a restaurant like in Ratatouille, minus the rats of course- a place very tied into its Chef's pride, where the dishes and their sauces are made in the kitchen. They thought that was all fine and good and even a mite bit funny when the water/dish boy proved to be an exact replica of Linguine. But they still proceeded to warm their hands over the table's candle- proving that they are kids to the bone.

On the way home, we noted that Amelia has recently added carriage rides. But these were my favorite ponies:

As we headed for Ponte Vedra the next morning, we were given a sign that we had indeed been in heaven...

so well camouflaged, we almost missed it

The bird notices me and turned his head- maybe this is his best side:

Stay Tuned for Day 2!