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A Look Back

Put on your

It's time for a little stroll down Memory Lane.

  • In JANUARY, I was still attempting to find words to re-start this blog. I remember ringing in the New Year on Tybee's Beach, with my parents and family. We watched fireworks and Garrison Keillor on t.v. (amongst other things, like bluegrass)
  • In FEBRUARY, Clay and I celebrated 9 years of matrimony, went to Disney world(again) and as far as the blogosphere- I was still stalling a bit, putting up old "art" and working through the alphabet.
  • In MARCH, I opened up a bit more blog wise- maybe because I had more going on then. Logan turned 6. Rob & Andrea came to visit Savannah. We were in a car (truck) wreck. Some things have changed since that climactic event, like wanting a Miata, increased backseat driver's syndrome and air brake usage and an even greater appreciation for life and those I share mine with. Some things have not- like shunning St. Patrick's Day in Savannah- now I just have a better excuse for skipping the green beer :)
  • In APRIL, we nailed our sins (even "farting noises") to the Cross, I killed a dozen eggs and went from "No words" on this blog to "Too many words and nothing to say". I also hosted "The Greenage BDay for Robert and Belva Greenage on Tybee Pier.
  • In MAY, my inner Martha took over- I baked bread, made butter, peanut butter and jelly amongst other things. I grew my own vegetables, I hosted Sean & Jennifer's wedding and I blogged WAY more than anyone actually reads. We also found out there was a new baby on the way- since then we have learned it's a boy baby and he is to be named Reagan Theodore Benson Carnes. Congrats again Ben & Ashely! Only a couple weeks to go...
  • In JUNE, we held a surprise 50th birthday party in Augusta for momma, we spent a lot of time seeking out sun and water, I got pierced and inked and had lots of 'splainin' to do.
  • In JULY, we went with Rob & Andrea to Key West, Tyler was adopted, and Mrs. Carol Hurte went to sing for Jesus.
  • In AUGUST, we got to see family from Alaska for the first time in a very long time, Jamela got married and my dad joined the race for SC Senate. I continues to blog along mundanely but with an air of importance.
  • In SEPTEMBER, Chandler turned 8, football season turned me into a widow, and Aletheia Academy was launched. Home school became something new to blog about and pathetically a blog unto itself. ( hello, 15 posts to date!)
  • In OCTOBER, I got older (again!), Clay and I celebrated 10 years since our first date and we crammed both knights and Nascar into our agenda. My blog at this point has become little more than a personal photo sharing site, but it gave my life at least a little purpose, so I continued
  • In NOVEMBER, we went to Augusta for Thanksgiving, Fisher turned 5 and I began to use THE ULTIMATE GIFT to stall on my blog. I am still dragging that one out for all that it is worth.
  • In DECEMBER, Santa came despite us warning the kids a million and one times that their behavior would prevent his arrival, Clay turned 33 and the endless drivel continued on this blog. Many pictures were taken but none were ever mailed. We chilled out a coupla days in EF- EL- AY, grabbing a second wind with which to launch in to 2008 and the very best of all- He got me the JEEP (Beep, Beep).

This concludes 2007 in a nutshell!

Happy 2008 (day 2)

Best of Luck with your Resolutions- (may you break them all!)