I'm sure that, just like all of those well intentioned New Year's Resolutions I made, checking my actual progress on them periodically with a RezCheck® will follow the road straight where these types of roads lead- but, why not have a few laughs at my expense before the whole thing burns to ashes, eh?!
To refresh your memory- here's what I've publicly aimed to do:(Updates in RED)
To refresh your memory- here's what I've publicly aimed to do:(Updates in RED)
Wake up earlier...aim for 5 AM regularly by March
31 It's not the waking up that is so tough actually- it's the not going back to sleep. Every morning the alarm goes off at 5 AM and I wake up, hit snooze and snuggle back into the warmth of the bed till at least 7:45. Increased interaction with kids as a parent and
teacher We've been reading together more, but this is definitely not where I want it yet. Lose that last 10 (15?)/eat the way I know I'm s'posed
to These pounds have been found to be involved in a very hostile hostage situation... make no sudden moves! Walk 3 times a day...aim for 5 miles regularly by March
31 I walked to the car, fridge and mailbox- my total steps for the day equaled less than one mile (i wore a pedometer today) This must improve. Re-Schedule home school-stick to it like glue If that schedule includes "no schedule" then we are doing just fine! We are getting back in the swing of things, but this one may take a week or two longer than planned in order for all new necessary changes to be in place Commit to certain forms of organization Dejunking has been a good first step- there is always more to toss, but things are a little more roomy and the laundry is getting there ... ok, well- it is never going to be completely done-not ever, let's just face that one head on (apply directly to the forehead) Memorize scripture regularly and with purpose...aim for one verse per week by March 31My fortune cookie said I should focus on yellow tomorrow for luck (but that was yesterday and I wore black today- my memory will need to start on the light weights) Learn something new- Daily Today I learned that crocheting a hat is probably easier than knitting one-amongst other things. Keep a journal/Blog with purpose Working on it... Write real letters...aim for one per month Not yet... Find a church, settle into it, get busy, keep mouth
shut... Thinking this one through- the folks at 1st Baptist Islands were very warm and welcoming- returning there may not be as hard as I have imagined Be a better friend to my spouse Guess you'd have to ask him about that Take a class- make it count for some real goal Soon Figure out real goals I can be such a kidder sometimes... Let go of certain ghosts- people & circumstances. (TBA @
a later date) They are hungry, the demand to be fed and read bedtime stories... Continue to pursue "good stuff", "research" forgiveness and
look for opportunities to be Hands & Feet Happening- but some of that must remain private or it is all declared null and void (do not let your left hand know what your right hand does...) Stop plucking things so vehemently (hair, eyelashes,
lint) Well...ouch! Minimize Sailor's Tongue Disease Aw, Shucks Launch SoHo (TBA @ a later date) One of these days Spend Less Money (than Donald Trump_this is an easier Rez, I think I'll keep it!) Create more Everything ( except Children!) So far so good- no baking baby buns and I made Toast this week- not really a craft, but not necessarily NOT one eitherThere we have it...I must be off to bed if I plan to be alert enough to hit that snooze button tomorrow.