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Rather than go down the whole list, I offer my small strides in a positive direction as proof of good intentions (we all know where those will lead me)

* Mon & Wed found me at the Y before sunrise. Temptation to roll over and go back to sleep was very strong at 4 AM, but once I had the workout routine behind me, the whole day before me, an infinitely warm shower without the interruption of children in the vacant locker room, there were no regrets :)
(this schedule is an excellent way to curb my tendency to keep the moon & stars company too!)

*The last 10 lbs is on the way out the window! (little by little of course- but leaving none the less) I get it all to depart, I am sure I will up the ante 5 or 10 more lbs :)

*Started a new leather bound journal- using travel stickers from the last few trips as a's a start!

*Put a placeholder page up for SoHo Events:

*I am learning Psalm 8:3-4, I have until Sunday to quote it back to me. Here's what I have so far:

When I consider your heavens
The works of your fingers
the moon and stars
which you have set in place
what is man that thou art mindful of him...
(I think that is right?)
I chose this one sort of randomly, but the purpose and a personal reflection attached (as is the idea behind the resolution) I LOVE to watch the sky- sunrise, sunset, stars, moon, clouds- whatever! I like to think of myself as one whose head is permanently in the clouds- lost in its infinite beauty. When I find myself under a blanket of twinkly stars or a full moon, I am reminded how itty bitty I really am in the grand scheme of things. Though my problems may seem a mountain to me, they are squash able in comparison. I know some folks who visit this page have differing views on God and/or Creation - but it doesn't matter to one extent-- no matter how you feel they got there, those stars are super-human... I couldn't create one and neither could you! Yes, there is pain in the world, suffering and injustice- but there is also unexplainable beauty...and it isn't hard to find. One must simply look up.
With a belief in a God who DOES care, however- how much more the beauty to think that something- someone- as itty bitty as me matters to the One responsible.