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Love Vettriano

... it started as a mild infatuation with his "The Singing Butler" then grew as I saw more of his work. I can name a precious few artists by their work (it helps if they've been mass merchandised somewhere along the line) but Vettriano became easily identifiable within ten minutes at the art rack in Michaels. Sorta like that Norman Rockwell fellow (love him too) , you just know one when you feel it. The paintings are just my style (yeah, even some of the naughty ones). The scenes are rich with some of my favorite worldly objects- suspenders, hats, red dresses, cars, suitcases and umbrellas - in all the right hues and with a stab of nostalgia in even the most modern depictions.

I have since learned that Jack is considered quite the renegade artist amongst those with noses high enough to snub, not that this dampers his popularity (or bank account) in any way. It's probably one of those "living artist" prejudices.

Apparently some feminists are miffed too, because he shows the way men-some men-- not you of course-see women without their politically corrected lenses (naked)

I am sure they have a point (as they often do) I'm just not sure I agree with it (as I often don't). I say, if you gotta choose, roll with the rule breaker at least for a quick spin and decide for yourself as you make your way around the block.

SO- how is this part of Kelly's "ordinary life" ? Well, I have all these new, blank walls to decorate and though I plan to slap some of my own imagination on canvas, I think I'll share my creative space with this fellow rebel, too- now that I have discovered the many possibilities. Though probably not the naughty ones (not yet anyhow- maybe once the children leave home and we start employing our Ray Stevens' Retirement Plan :)

I swore that we would not, not, not decorate all seaside and beachy just because we are on the coast, but that was before I discovered someone out there who could paint something a little more interesting than a flock of pelicans or that lone sand piper winding its way down the shore. If I want to see that sort of stuff, I can go outside and see it for real. On the other hand, Vettriano's scenes on the beach and otherwise, make me wish there were an accompanying novel or reminds me of one I've already consumed.

So, anyone wishing to write a check, take out a mortgage or sell a major organ to contribute to Kelly's "Gotta Get Vett's" fund please contact me immediately (before I succumb to the temptation of poster prints!)

Perhaps, they offer those paint by number copies... ya think?
