After the movie on Thursday and a quick trip through The Pig for PB& J's we hit the pool again for a few hours. The clouds that seemed to threaten rain in the early morning held off all day, allowing the kids more playtime with some of the same pals from Wednesday. This time, we brought our own noodles and goggles and even snorkel gear... which is just a fancy way to drown oneself in a goggle mask, if placed in the right hands ( Fisher's!)
Chandler made it to 7 Mississippi and showed of his swimming like a fish. Logan put her face in the water and even let go of her noodle for a few minutes. Fisher thought the snorkel mask made him part fish and nearly drank the pool dry on several occasions
( all while wearing a smile; of course)
Chandler made it to 7 Mississippi and showed of his swimming like a fish. Logan put her face in the water and even let go of her noodle for a few minutes. Fisher thought the snorkel mask made him part fish and nearly drank the pool dry on several occasions
( all while wearing a smile; of course)