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Week Of Champions

For the last 30 years, Hilton Head has been home to the Week of Champions, an FCA sponsored event that brings former pro athletes into the area to host sports clinics and share God's love with the children who attend.

This week was the Champion's choice for 2008 and there were clinics of all sorts on the island and in surrounding communities.

We were fortunate that clinics were being held just a pace or two up the road at Bluffton High's athletic fields.

We attended football on Monday and Tuesday and then baseball on Wednesday and Thursday.

Former Pro's in attendance @ Bluffton included Derrick Moore, Harry Colon, Chad Ogea, Anthony Telford, Chris Snopek, and Roger Mason.

Tuesday and Thursday were a blast for kids as the Bluffton Township Fire Co. (on site as stand-by paramedics) doubled as cooling agents.

Photo galleries are immense and frankly, overwhelming. They will be posted individually with, or possibly without, much description.

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