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Last year, I got creative and let my imagination run free when it was time to make resolutions. I bombed by and large. This year, my aim is more realistic, which is probably why I've yet to commit a list to paper or mind... "Buy the Taj Mahal" is equal to or more attainable than "Get Organized" if last year's list is any indication. Still, just for fun let's see how far below my own lofty marks I fell:

2008 Resolutions Re-Visited

1.) Wake up earlier...aim for 5 AM regularly by March 31 (if you can't laugh to yourself, you may leave!)

This I did, and truly enjoyed during the short time I made the effort. I would get up around 4 and go to the Y. I had time to work out and take a long, warm, uninterrupted shower before the kids were even awake. It lasted all of about a week I guess, before we left town and I too easily fell out of the routine, never to return to it. I made a few false starts after our move, but have let it go until I can get the logistics just right. (If I leave that early, I must walk, or wake everyone with an opening garage. If I walk, it is dark and the gym is at the other end of an alligator strewn trail... I would rather risk that than waking sleeping children any day but am holding out for a fixed bike (or a new one!) and slightly warmer temps) Or, I guess I could just park in the driveway, but then I'd be without excuse, no?

2.) Increased interaction with kids as a parent and teacher

See-- this is one of those creative ones, because while one may improve in this area, can one ever reach a benchmark that says, "Yes, I have spent ENOUGH time with them" and go on to confidently check it off of a list? It seems to me, now that I am older (much) and wiser (not so much) that this must be a permanent entry, a continual striving.

3.) Lose that last 10 (15?)/eat the way I know I'm s'posed to

I should have made a small, invisible note as to what my weight at the time was... I didn't reach this goal, as it has definitely not been 10 pounds... but I have shed some, which I feel good about. I think this falls under that Permanent List Entry category as well... we all want to lose, and we can never lose enough and we must continually strive to work off the extra or keep off what we've lost... As for eating healthy, well, I've kept meat out of my diet as a key player but not removed it completely. I drink trace amounts of anything unhealthy, and if at all, usually only for lack of unsweet tea or water nearby. Chocolate for breakfast is healthy now, right?

4.) Walk 3 times a day...aim for 5 miles regularly by March 31

Oh, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! This is a hoot!

5.) Re-Schedule home school-stick to it like glue

See Above Laughter

6.) Commit to certain forms of organization like bad religion

Did I really mean to do this? Did I really think this was possible? Really, you'd think I'd know me better than this by now...

7.) Memorize scripture regularly and with purpose...aim for one verse per week by March 31

NOPE. But I think I still know John 3:16.

8.) Learn something new- Daily

Again with the open-ended, permanent goals...

9.)Keep a journal/Blog with purpose

Actually, the journal is a yeah, the blog...well, if pictures are worth 1000 words, I should be covered, otherwise, I'd have to admit that I didn't make the impression on myself with this goal that I intended to when I made the resolution. Even the journal has relied heavily on cutting, pasting, souvenirs and doodles, but it's more than I've ever managed to continually contribute to in the way of memory collections and the deep plumbing of one's hopes, dreams, fears and inane thoughts.

10.) Write real letters...aim for one per month

Believe it or not, I've written a few. Not once a month as imagined, because in real life, real letters take time and sometimes courage to actually stamp and send.

11.) Find a church, settle into it, get busy, keep mouth shut, learn to trust the Right One on this

See, these things make it all sound so cut and dry... sometimes life really isn't cut and dry at all! I've found a place I feel at home-check. I've settled into the routines of service times and regular attendance there-check. I've mostly kept my mouth shut- check. ( I can be quite chatty and or take over-ish during ladies Bible study) Trust the rest to the One I go to church for--oh... um, mostly check. There have been some Sundays where the entire family was not as enthused about attending here as me... not pouting or fuming or fighting on the way to church has been a start :)

12.) Be a better friend to my spouse

As I've said before, you'd have to ask the man... and again, this doesn't, in hindsight, seem to be an item that could be measured, quantified or checked off a list very readily.

13.) Take a class- make it count for some real goal

School didn't pan out for me in the fashion I envisioned and will not resume that route in the near and tangible future. However, I did take a class and though it didn't expand my horizons in the way I meant this originally, it truly did equip me for achieving real goals... in fact, two classes at that same church I mentioned above have been invaluable sources of education, strength and encouragement in my role as home educator, wife, and mother... which was, at least in part, some of the goals I put forth in this list. I feel confident that checking this one off isn't fudging a bit.

14.) Figure out real goals

How very vague and existentialist of me...

15.) Let go of certain ghosts- people & circumstances. (TBA @ a later date)

This would have been better phrased "Make peace with self and memories" Some of that got tackled quite unexpectantly... as in, I never expected the other parties involved to participate in the "healing". I meant to bury my metaphorical hatchets alone, in a deep dark wood, but found I had help in digging the holes. Some phases of (de)construction are complete while others are just strapping on their hard hats. To be continued...?

16.) Continue to pursue "good stuff", "research" forgiveness and look for opportunities to be Hands & Feet

I can be so clueless and not unlike a dripping faucet at times... Permanent Strivings Category, please.

17.) Stop plucking things so vehemently (hair, eyelashes, lint)

Unrealistic! Pass the tweezers, please.

18.) Minimize Sailor's Tongue Disease

This is relative. Minimized, yes. Eliminated as this sort of list is truly suggesting, not in the least.

19.) Launch SoHo (TBA @ a later date)

Launched it alright, straight in the rubbish pile. Not gonna happen for many years now, if at all. Not disappointed about this... made it my preferred choice.

20.) Spend Less Money

Can I count it even if I couldn't help it? Less quantity in hand can contribute to less spending, but this doesn't really speak to control over one's will power so much, does it?

21.) Create more Everything ( except Children!)

This must remain a permanent fixture as well. An A + on the no new babies thing, though.

(knock on wood and sleep on the sofa!)

I'm still giving thought to the year ahead. If I'm willing to make foolish promises again, I'll post the proof of it here within the week or so.

Until such a time- Happy 2009!