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Warm Winter Day

Monday had to be the most beautiful winter day in recent memory. The temp outside was a balmy 76 or so, with just the slightest breeze to keep things pleasant. School was back in session for us, but after attending to the Must Do's, we skipped over the Can Wait's until Tuesday, tossed on some beach clothes and made a bee line for the shore. Ahh, flexibility... homeschool's silver-est lining of them all!
((making up words, also a silver lining))

There was no convincing the kids that the water was too cold. I told them "Sure, put on your suits" thinking they could learn the old fashioned hard way, but I forgot about their stubborn genes (not mine, I swear!!) and had to lay the law down (up to your ankles only) once we arrived, after their umpteenth
"It really ISN'T cold!"
There was football, sea shell gathering, splashing and backwards walking, some men playing Bocce, a stranded jelly fish, and dancing dolphins...just to name a bit, and all in the first week of January! If I ever start talking about moving somewhere colder and/or without an ocean, you have my permission to pinch me and promptly send me back to this post!