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Time Machine

Moving here has been good for my soul in many ways- but, given my 'transient' disposition in life thus far (36+ moves, my friends), one of my favorite aspects about this island is that it has been a part of my life from an early age... it's a little like moving home, and a lot like starting fresh, too. 

I have been scanning in a roll of film that I made copies of last time I visited my parents - some of it is my earliest memory of Fernandina (though I am told I came here before I could crawl well) 

The other pictures, some of you dear to my heart will recognize right off... the Cousin Playroom, the Nazarene Church... some sort of Family-Get-Together-Involving-Lap-Trays @ Idlewylde... and for the handful of you that have no idea why that blue carpet on the church porch is important... stay tuned!