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Grummy & Grandpa Visit

This weekend, Grammy & PaPa came to visit. The Big Kids were excited for days before in anticipation- Chandler sent Google maps to help them arrive at the right place. They worked as a team making up the bed with fresh sheets, creating a pallet on the floor for Logan(she had insisted G&P take her bed instead of going to a hotel). The children were asleep when they arrived (it was after 1 AM) but only a few hours later, we filled the weekend with fun.

On Saturday, we all got up early, ran hard and retired weary. We started with Logan's cheer :   
PaPa was allowed to push Rye for 3 whole seconds before she protested... she took her own sweet time warming up to  "Grummy & Grandpa" 

I'm smiling because I know they have FREE COFFEE inside :) 

LoLo & Lilly

Logan Aleece

Taking a break from the demanding world of cheerleading...
We stopped long enough to get cash from an ATM & tea from Zaxbys (sorry, Uncle Ben!) before heading over to the Babe Ruth Fields. 

Chandler & Fisher were on opposite fields, same start time for both games. We were able to base ourselves at the concession area and pivot between Brewer brothers. It was also an ideal spot for staying in the shade. 

Chan @ Bat

... all the way home.... 

Snack Time

Fisher stands ready

Focused Fisher

I'll get it!

Chandler stands ready

Run, Chan, Run

Getting Sleepy

Ready to Run

Baseball is fun
Chandler's Blue Team won 17-4

Fisher's Gold Team won 12-5

And we all know that winning is the only important thing, really. So, it was a good day ;) 

On Sunday, it was SLIDERS for have the pineapple casserole. Thanks again, Mom & Dad for the treat.

Kites above SLIDERS

The remainder of Sunday was for visiting. 

*Grummy and Grandpa- that couple formerly known as Grammy and PaPa- had to go back home on Monday, but not before Grammy & LoLo took to the beach one last time: 

Grammy finds a treasure in the sand

Grummy in the Atlantic

Fernandina Beach

Sandy Feet

Grammy & LoLo

Happy Double Nickels  Day PaPa!

Fisher couldn't WAIT for PaPa to open his gift... I think he secretly hoped to try it :) 

Grummy always brings fun toys and games

Chandler asked PaPa lots of technical questions about computers and programming

Rye plays with all the fun new things that Grummy brought

Grammy captured my giggling girls (hiding from the Hide-N-Seek Bunny)
Ya'll come back now, ya hear?


*RyeBird took her own sweet time warming up to both Grummy and Grandpa. When she finally did, she did it on her own terms... changing their names of endearment in the process..