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Showing posts from August, 2013

Lunch & an Alligator

Some days we go on an adventure for lunch...  St. Mary Alligator Bench~ our oft visited friend:  Menus? No, we're only here for the sugar packets :o/  (An end was put to this as soon as all necessary photos had been obtained ;) 

Lunch & a TuTu

Some days we walk across the street for lunch... Blue Sky Day:  ...still wearing our tutu:  "SMPHELLING" flowers (scrunch your nose when you read that)  Finally convinced the tutu can skip lunch:  Lunch in the sand (and maybe a little sand in the lunch, if you get the seat next to PrincessTot) Happy campers headed home.

Lunch & Toys

Sometimes, we pit pat clatter across the street to eat:  Riley passes the time as we wait on the french fries, that she probably won't eat, to arrive: Princesses on "magic carpets" (by RYE)

Bench Tribute

As we exited a recent lunch @ Sandy Bottoms,  I noticed something new on the nearby bench:  And then I re-checked the inscription, for I have read them all but forget which ones are where. It is fun to imagine all of the reasons someone may bring a mallet to the beach and then abandon it on a bench.  It is less interesting to note that a mallet would make an ideal tool for securing umbrella anchors and is probably easily explained.  In all cases, that the mallet was left on the bench of Mr. Thomas H. Little: Warrior & Dreamer was a happy discovery.  THOmas / THOr... warriors with hammers...coincidence?  I think not.

Flashback Thursday

Flashback Thursday today- because I feel like breaking the unspoken alliteration rule:  Before we knew we'd someday call this place home... Before there was Riley... Back when Pompeo's was still opened... I miss you Spaghetti Carbonara.

Fourth of July ReCap: Fireworks (Part 5)

And in this segment, I finally finish up the Fourth of July photos. There are a LOT of them. This is because I can't bear to toss out any picture with a human element in it- fingers, knees, toes... whatever... if I can make out a person in the picture, I have to keep it (because, who knows when you may wish you had all the pictures you could ever want of a person, even only their toes...yes, this is how I think. I've grown used to it)  I've included far too many of them in this little post for this reason: Sometimes children move when you are trying to take their photo. I have often found that from one frame to the next a child may go from resembling themselves to an uncle or aunt or parent. With just the shift of a smile, the lift of a brow... all of a sudden a new resemblance is discovered. I don't want to cut any possibilities out for those family members who stay in touch via photos posted here.  For those of you who aren't related or somehow beholden to these c...