Jax Beach Jubilation: Oddly enough, the first beach we hit this season was not the one closest to us. Clay had some business across town- (okay, it was a golf tournament.) Tee off was early the next morning, so we grabbed some SmashBurgers (the Sunshine Burger is my favorite) and a room near the shore. Those of us who did not bring our clubs (or everyone except Clay & Chandler) spent the afternoon on Jax Beach while the big boys went to the driving range. This was one of our first really pretty days- the sand was warm, the water- no so much. Not everyone is deterred by cool water. Rye was escorted to the water's edge by each of us in turn. With Sister: And Fisher- (she calls him her prince): Lifeguards were training for the oncoming summer season. I think this lesson must have been "People Watching 101" or a "Rogue Surfer Roundup" drill: No shovel or pail but plenty of sand and teamwork for castle building: We even spotted a mermaid:...